Rick Louie


United States

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  • Rick Louie

    I'm sure you'll do great! The writing on the old machine is not nearly as fun...but it IS more forgiving when it comes to misstrokes!

    Doubt I'd go back to it!
  • Kris

    Hi Rick,

    Long time no talk. How is the LS treating you? Funny. I was getting pretty fast on that little machine, only to find out I was headed to court where it wasn't approved yet. So...I'm here with my 8000LX, but it's new and improved. I got so accustomed to the keypads on the LS that I added them onto the Stentura. It worked out well, and I realized I could even keep my nails longer with the pads on.

    So...hope all is well. Take care.

  • Sue @ The Brief Zone

    Hi Rick, check out The Brief Zone !
    Great Drilling Material For Any Steno Theory...