Susan Magee



United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Realtime Deposition Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Kelli Combs

Comment Wall:

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
    please join the Court reporters group to your left.
    just click "Court Reporters" and "Request an invite"

    this is our 1st week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.
    thanks for joining.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
    also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
    you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
    if you have any questions please let me know.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    very nice page Susan, if you need any help just let me know.
  • Dinah Donovan

    Hi right back at ya, Susan! Hope you have a great time tonight.
  • Maria Aliventi

    seems like you have a lot of time to devote to this get to work, lazy!!
  • Rhoda Collins

    Hi Susan!
    I was a 90's fan...the pic I did when I was 29. A friend helped me. I think Madonna has 'grown up' a lot. I like that. Haven't we all? LOL!
  • Lorrie L. Marchant

    Happy New Year, Susan! I'm not sure if we've met or not before. We've probably crossed paths at least. I see that you're friends with Maria Lertora. She's a hoot! Hopefully I will see you at the DRA convention in February!
  • Lorrie L. Marchant

    I need to register too! I look forward to hopfully meeting you there!
  • Lorrie L. Marchant

    There's the CRR that is administered by NCRA and the CRP which is the realtime test administered by DRA. The DRA test is a Q-and-A test. It took me a few trys to pass the CRR. Easiest test that one could fail! You could purchase the CRR practice tapes through NCRA. That's helpful!
  • Lorrie L. Marchant

    It's easier in the sense that it's Q and A, but it's tricky. They throw a lot of things in like, "She reinged over the thrown the day that it rained." Things like that. You should definitely give it a shot though!
  • Dinah Donovan

    Aww, you guys are the best! XOXOXO
  • Matt Spievak

    Hey Susan - Tahoe was a blast. Tons of snow. We extended our trip by a day in order to ski. My son Jake (8) took a snowboarding class and pretty much got a private lesson as no one else showed up....Lots of sledding down
  • Matt Spievak

    Tons of snow. We had a blast. Didn't leave until Monday instead of Sunday so we missed all the traffic.
  • Tracy Perry


    Thanks for the response to my Briefs question. I love the feedback. I've added you as a friend, hope you don't mind!

  • Ora

    Hi, this is a great site!! Good to hear from you!
  • Matt Spievak

    Great music. I love Earth Wind and Fire...Yes, they do grow up way to fast. I was considering taking a class as well. I was told to get the type of wrist guard with the hand brace you would wear to skateboard...We are having our company ski trip the wknd of 2/23. Will send you an invite...
  • Mona M. Russo

    Hi Susan.

    Your name sounds familiar, too. Did I meet you at the Paulson reporter meeting a few months back?
  • Maria Aliventi

    Motivating YOU? You're the star, baby!!! I'm going to be a motivational speaker in my next life. Hey, who's the girlfriend that's givin' you some tapes?...give 'em As an aside, when I'm on your page, I take my time writing to you because I love the tunes...head bobbin'...finger snappin'...dancin' like nobody's lookin'...
  • Rebecca Romano

    Yes, I will be there....I'm looking forward to catching up!! Look at your with your tunes!!
  • Rebecca Romano

    Hey Susan, I just saw Michelle Gonzales in your pic. I went to school with her years ago. Please tell her I said HI....
  • Rebecca Romano

    Oh, yeah!! I haven't seen her in so long.....See you soon.
  • Mona M. Russo

    Hi Susan.

    Paulson is going well. It seems to be getting busier there, as it is everywhere. Are you going to the Great Gathering on February 8? I am. I hope to see you there!

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    To post this image here is what I did,
    1-find the image on the net.
    2- add this code to it (code was sent to you because it would not show on here.
    This image is located at
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    and to post animated gifs like this one

    Simply go to this site and copy and paste the code under the GIF you want to show in the comment wall.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

  • Aarika Cottingham

    Hi Susan,
    Thought I would just pop over here and "meet" some new people!! I went to CR school for 3 years, but then changed my major to scoping. Please let me know if there is anything you need! Nice to meet you!
  • Monica Lepe-Georg

    Hi Susan -

    It was great meeting you this weekend. How was your drive back? It took us two hours to travel to the chain-check area, which was about 15 miles from our hotel, but after that, smooth sailing.

    I called Paulson. Gave them my name and info. I'm so bummed. They got a Healdsburg all-week depo put on calendar this morning, but I was too late. They'd already covered it!!! Oh, well, next time. Thanks for the info.
  • Christine Jordan

    Hey there! Hawaii was GREAT! I worked in the court (1st Circuit) not quite a year after I got certified (so around 2001). It was really easy to get certified at that time ... had to be an RPR and take a written knowledge test of Hawaii history and some terminology. I don't know if it's the same now. The pay wasn't as good as California. I never did freelance out there. At the time, there were two major firms, Carnazzo and Rosenburg. I think they are still the primary firms on Oahu. And, if I recall correctly, at that time they took a pretty big percentage of the page rate (which is lower than CA). If you're interested in talking to someone, I can look up their number and get it to you.
  • Monica

    Hi Susan! Yeah i started talking to Evel on myspace for a few months and then we met up and hung out while i was in LA! he's so cool and i talk to him all the time. He's going to help me get on the show when im 21! I'm obsessed with it, haha. Did you like him? what do you think of this season?
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    haha, I will try my best to get you Centipede.
  • Monica

    OMG isn't it so addicting! I've been obsessed forever & I watch all the live feeds lol. I'm such a wierdo I even buy pillows, clothes and accesories online ha ha ha pathetic! But Dick was so nice in person so laid back, and Danielle was going to meet us also but she was at work. Dicks actually very attractive in person and really petite.But besides all of that I'm a court reporting student in sacramento going to argonaut. I've been in court reporting school for a year and in 120s! How do you like the profession?
  • Ana Fatima Costa

    Yep, still here. Let me know when you're going to be in the City, girl, so we can go have a drink or bite to eat!
  • Debbie Landi

    Hi Susan.....

    I'm new here, so just getting my bearings. My "bearings" have been in Vegas for a few days ....maybe I best be putting up one of my Vegas pics!
  • Elise Nock

    Hey there girl! What a great picture!!! You are such a cutie!
  • Roseleen O'Brien

    Susan, beautiful picture. I'm doing fine, about to start work on a MISERABLE civil trial. I'm sure your boys have grown. Don't tell me how old they are. I assume you're in the freelance world. I hope all is well with you. Do you still keep in touch with the others?
  • Elise Nock

    Hey Susan, quick question. If you ask a clarifying question, do you put it in the trpt? In other words, if you ask for a spelling, where the answer would not have included the word spelled out without your request, would you put yourself in as a question?
    by the way, hope all is well w/ you!
  • Elise Nock

    thx. Hey I am doing an all day hearing in the city on Friday for Paulson. Have never done a hearing before. Any tips about pay or trpt requests, just what I can expect to see. I have heard horror stories about them, so am not really sure. It is at the Marriot in SF. Any insight will be appreciated. Thx, Elise
  • Quyen

  • Quyen

    I'll be there. I should be working on a transcript, but what am I doing? :D
  • lynn darling

    Hi Susan,

    Just signed up, so wanted to let you know. Haven't had time to download my pics yet though.
    You're so photogenic!
    Talk to you soon.

  • Elise Nock

    Hey there Susan, you want an all day realtime depo tom? Call Tulty Reporting and ask for Josie. Her no is 244 1900. Elise
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Yes, simply click "leave this group" on the top right of that page. (basically you have to go to the group main page you want to leave and from there cluck "leave this group"
    Let me know if that works.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Ooops.. Dont go and "cluck" there.. i meant "click".
    haha, Sorry :)
  • Nicolete

    Hey, Susan...
    You look like you're lovin' life. That's the way to be. I love your pictures. I can't wait to be a court reporter...
  • Kyung

    I was contacted by Dynamic Depos to cover a job for them in California. She gave me your name as a reference. If you could please let me know what your experience has been with her agency, I would appreciate it. I've sent you a friend request, so that you could send me an e-mail.

    Thanks, Kyung
  • Sue @ The Brief Zone

    Hi Susan, check out The Brief Zone !
    Great Drilling Material For Any Steno Theory...
  • Patricia Y. Schuler

    Hi Susan, Andrea said you may be able to help me out on 12/19 in SF for an all day job. Any chance you're available? Thanks in advance. :-) Patricia My email is
  • Julie Geraty

    My name is Julie Geraty, I'm a full-time freelance professional scopist on Case CATalyst 9. I currently have an opening for another reporter. I'm looking to establish a long-lasting reporter/scopist relationship. I am also willing to help out with overflow and expedites, as needed. My schedule is quite flexible. If you'd like more information, please email me at or call me at 715-966-1568.

    Take care and have a great weekend.
  • Michele Miller

    Hi Susan,
    I'm a relatively new scopist trying to basically get my foot in the door in this business. I'm looking to court reporters to find out exactly what they may be looking for in a good scopist. I'm fairly certain that the biggest thing I lack is experience. I have taken online scoping courses for the past 12 months, and have a friend who is also a scopist who has been helping me as well. If you do use a scopist, I would like to know if you would be willing to let me scope a few pages for you for free. It is my hope that maybe I can gain some credibility and real hands on experience this way. I would very much like to be critiqued on my work as I feel this is the only way I'm going to learn and continually improve. I would also be willing to proofread,
    but to be quite honest, I have no formal experience in that field. I do consider myself to be quite on target spotting mistakes
    and punctuation errors when reading random things, but I don't want to even think that qualifies me as a decent proofreader. Any advice on proofreading would also be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you so much for any information you may be able to offer.


    Michele Miller
  • Saniya C. Youngblood

    Hello Susan, I am a student at Long Island Business Institue in Commack New York, im am in the last speed class. I am very excited about court reporting. I can't wait to finish. I was just would like to know if you have any good advice for me?