Thanks =) We did have a nice Christmas, but banned my parents from coming over because my dad was coming down with a cold. We were bummed because this was her first Christmas and we wanted them there, but couldn't take a chance with her being so small, if she got sick, she would end up in the hospital. We've been basically hybernating, but I love it....staying in my robe until the afternoon....all we do is adore her, feed her, read to her, just love every second of it. My car hasn't been out of the garage since before Thanksgiving!!! Hope you had a nice Christmas too. I see someone is asking for scoping help. Hope you've been able to pick some up =)
Hi, I am looking for a Stenocat 32 scopist for part-time work. I have been a reporter for approximately 20 years and right now am working about three days a week because I have a little toddler at home. I have a scoper right now and have used her for the past seven years, but she is going to become a paralegal soon. I got your name off of the recommended scopists list. I also use a website called which allows me to send wav files. Please e-mail me if you are interested at Thanks.
Mary Motley O'Brien
Jan 4, 2009
Deborah M. Neeley
Mar 21, 2009
Robin Nodland
Mar 25, 2009