Kari Silva Campos
  • Female
  • Carrollton, TX
  • United States
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Kari Silva Campos's Friends

  • Deborah M. Neeley
  • Mary Motley O'Brien
  • Evelyn Hooper

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Kari Silva Campos

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If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?
StenoCAT 32 with InSync

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At 13:48 on March 25, 2009, Robin Nodland said…
Hi, Kari. I'm looking for a scopist. What is your email address? You can contact me at rnodland@LNScourtreporting.com. Thanks! Robin
At 13:15 on March 21, 2009, Deborah M. Neeley said…
Hi, I am looking for a Stenocat 32 scopist for part-time work. I have been a reporter for approximately 20 years and right now am working about three days a week because I have a little toddler at home. I have a scoper right now and have used her for the past seven years, but she is going to become a paralegal soon. I got your name off of the recommended scopists list. I also use a website called ibackup.com which allows me to send wav files. Please e-mail me if you are interested at dneeleycsr@aol.com. Thanks.
At 8:22 on January 4, 2009, Mary Motley O'Brien said…
Thanks =) We did have a nice Christmas, but banned my parents from coming over because my dad was coming down with a cold. We were bummed because this was her first Christmas and we wanted them there, but couldn't take a chance with her being so small, if she got sick, she would end up in the hospital. We've been basically hybernating, but I love it....staying in my robe until the afternoon....all we do is adore her, feed her, read to her, just love every second of it. My car hasn't been out of the garage since before Thanksgiving!!! Hope you had a nice Christmas too. I see someone is asking for scoping help. Hope you've been able to pick some up =)
At 20:28 on December 17, 2008, Amy L. Christian, CSR said…
Hi, Kari. I'm in desperate need of a scopist right now and saw that you're in Carrollton just like me!! Anyway, if you're not too busy around the holidays, I could really use your help. You can call me at 214.244.8988 or email me at achristian31@yahoo.com or contact me through this site if you're interested. Thanks! Amy Christian
At 6:37 on December 10, 2008, Mary Motley O'Brien said…
Hey there. Thanks for adding me. I had been meaning to do that but haven't been on the site much. Isn't it funny how we get a picture of someone in our mind of what they look like......I pictured you with long blonde hair. Dunno why, even with the last name Silva =)
Cute kids! So has anyone contacted you through that blog I listed you on?
Don't worry, I'll let you know when I have Olivia. We go Sunday night to be induced, but......it could be tomorrow. She was down and ready to go last Thursday, but turned transverse as of Monday so if she doesn't turn back, I'll have to have a C-Section. We're going for my last stress test this Thursday and to see if she's moved. If she hasn't and my blood pressure is still up(it keeps going up, even though they keep raising my med!!) they may go ahead and admit me tomorrow!!!!