Kim Schroeder


Petaluma, CA - New Braunfels, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance Court Reporter
What state do you live in?
California and Texas
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Lorrie Marchant when it was just starting out
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
CA 11414 ~ TX 10925
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

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  • Suzanne Conte

    Kim, it's so good to hear from you! I really wanted to call you for this 3-week trial I had in December. Yes, December! All the way up to the 21st. That's a first. It's a case with Americanized Iranians, with one attorney having an accent, lots of family paraded into court, and lots of Iranian terms. They wanted roughs within a couple hours of leaving each day. I ended up reporting most of it myself and called on the reporters who had reported months of depos, since they were already familiar with the terms. But I always think of you and how you like trials and hearings. Most of the hearings I've had only go a couple hours or they're too far south for you. I will definitely give you a call when I have something worthwhile. I love seeing your pictures! Happy New Year!
  • Kim Schroeder

    Hey Suzanne!! Well, that is just plain mean to dangle a fabulous-sounding trial like that! I have done a looong drawn-out Iranian family trial before. Very interesting dynamics that go on. I understand well the pain you went through w/ the names/accents. Sorry to hear that, especially during a hectic time of year. However, I hope you were able to have a nice holiday! Definitely give me a call though. My daughter will be getting her license in March (I hope), so I will be able to travel a little futher into the South Bay now. Plus, I NEED my family law fix! It is great to hear from you too, and Happy New Year!! Will you be going to the DRA convention?
  • Judy

    Kim, I just sent you a friend request.  I'd like to privately "talk" to you about your conference room situation.
