Thank you! I'm pretty fond of him, too! When I saw your kitty, I couldn't help myself! I love cats! We have a mix of Siamese and something else, mostly Siamese, cat running our house. He just turned one and he is the most needy cat I've ever met! He definitely throws the "independent" label on cats out the window!
Welcome to CSRNation! This site is so awesome and a great way to connect with others! I have met scopists, proofers, reporters, and other students and its nice to hear that I'm not the only one pulling my hair out sometimes! I start court reporting school on Monday and I know it'll be a challenge with a four-month old but I'm ready!
Daniele Self
Sep 26, 2008
Christina Duncan
Sep 26, 2008
Daniele Self
Welcome to CSRNation! This site is so awesome and a great way to connect with others! I have met scopists, proofers, reporters, and other students and its nice to hear that I'm not the only one pulling my hair out sometimes! I start court reporting school on Monday and I know it'll be a challenge with a four-month old but I'm ready!
Sep 26, 2008