Geneva Roque


Dickinson, TX

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Geneva Roque

    Welcome to CSRnation!

    You have joined the largest social network of court reporters on earth.

    First things first! To receive job offers directly to your email inbox from agencies nationwide, please opt-in to your local "Cover Depo" by doing the following:

    1- Click here
    2- Click on the "red dot" closest to your city
    3- Click on "Join Group"
    That's it. You're done!

    If you are looking for a scopist, a proofreader or a transcriptionist, check out the classified section by clicking here.
    You can also check out the recommended scopists and proofreaders by clicking here.

    IF YOU ARE AN AGENCY and you are looking to cover a job, click here. Select the red dot in the city where you want to cover the deposition, join the group, and then send out a job offer by clicking on "send message to group."

    If you have any questions, please email us at info at
  • Corina E. Lozano

    I finally decided that I had gone to school TOO long and started practicing 6 to 8 hours a day, including weekends. I've been consistently typing tests within state standard almost every day for the past six weeks, and I got my 2-225's about three weeks ago. I was laid off as a result of Ike; so, I had plenty of time for my machine.

    My phone that had your number in it broke several months ago. Do you still have my number?
  • Kyung



    You and my daughter have the same first name, Geneva.