

Austin, TX

United States

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What is your occupation?
Freelance Court Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
TX CSR 9332; CA CSR 13415
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

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  • Tami

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    I hope you have an awesome first year in court reporting!!! So glad you made it to the Big League!!!!
  • Clay Frazier

    hey girl
    wow. you and my mom are like besties.

    buttaa yeah..let's get jobs, ya?

    and I don't mean babysitting or skateboarding

    we can do it3
  • Tami

    Sounds like somebody's jealous.
  • Tami

  • Denise Graham

    Hi Candice,

    I was here at CSR Nation and wanted to say hello and ask if you've begun working as a deposition reporter. I hope your new year has started off with work to keep you very busy.

    Take care.
    Denise Graham
  • Tami

    Well, thanks for letting me know that. I will try to get less dust on my little trampoline and more use!

    You left before we did yard work yesterday. What's with that??


    Oh. I forgot. You got captured on the morning crew. :)

    We had so much fun at the party on Saturday. Thanks for coming with us!
  • Chris Renegar

    Hey, Candice! Congratulations on taking your first depo. And you want to give me the honor to proofread it for you? I'd love to. Your mom knows how to reach me...just ask her for my e-mail address. Thanks! --Chris
  • Chris Renegar

    Candice, that sounds great. My e-mail is: Thanks!
  • Tami

    So cool you took him to the Blue Bayou for his B-D. I've always wanted to eat there.

    Sounds like you were having a great time.

    P.S. - Next time I go to In-N-Out, I'm ordering the rice! I had no idea!! :)

    We finally got water in the pool. Now all we need is our mermaid.
  • Clay Frazier

    Hey, I heard In-N-Out serves rice now?? let's goooo!
  • Tami

    I ate waaaaay too much on Sunday!

    But it was so good!!

    So happy you joined us. Life's always a bit brighter when you're around.
  • Tami

    So have you been busy, Candice?? I hope so.

    It would be awesome to see you next weekend in San Diego. Christine and Megan are going, too.
  • Tami

    Maybe next time.

    I'm off for two weeks myself. This is the first Spring Break we haven't flown somewhere in sooo long. I was telling Cole that yesterday, and he reminded me that this is the first Spring Break we've had a pool in our backyard, too.
    Now it all makes sense. :)

    The rock guy was out today putting the final touches on a new serving bar Alton built last week. The boys are throwing another party Saturday night, so
    I'll have to hurry home from San Diego to catch some of it.

    Should be fun.

    P.S. - Clay's working his behind off. I told him he was going to regret complaining he was too slow. :)
  • Kylie Evans

    hahah I have no idea how to work the student group!! Yeah, we're already learning some of the keys but I am totally uncoordinated of course...I tried adding you right away but when I typed in your name, only your mom showed up buut I am glad I found you and especially glad for the support!
  • Tami

    Guess I am a lot like the dancing banana. HA!

    So who is Kylie??
  • Tami

    Oh, and that boy has been working his chonies off. I did find them next to the jacuzzi on Sunday morning. HA!!

    There's been some male bonding going on at my house. That's fo' sure!!

    Clay and I were neighbors one day, but he mostly is in the desert. He's getting busy with transcripts already, too, so no rest for him.

    He's still skating at least one day a week, though. He had the biggest raspberry on his behind Sunday. Just glad it wasn't his face. :)
  • Tami

    Well, since I can't get anything from you-know-who, how is life going?

    Are you busy working??
  • Tami

    I just officially applied yesterday and should find out by Thursday.

    You're welcome to come to the "resort" any time you'd like! (You were such a great hostess!)

    It only takes two minutes to heat up the BBQ. :)
  • Christine Kirley

    Hi Candice,
    How are you doing in the working world? It doesn't seem that long ago we were walking down The Strip after you had just taken the practice CSR Test at the CCRA Convention. Are you enjoying court reporting?
  • Clay Frazier

    ugh, shutup. i was being facetious.
    next time you say something retarted (shouldn't take long) to me during our personal lives im defl gg to put it on the cr site..
  • Tami

    Prety soon it will be a mother, son, and favorite girl event!

    We can do it!!
  • adele c frazier

    Hi, Candice. Hope you're doing well. I want to try surfing again this summer on a much bigger board. See you soon :)
  • Christine Kirley

    Hi Candice,
    So great to hear you are loving reporting. It sure can be fun.

    Yes, I'm getting busier these days. I think everyone seems to be. Finally!
    Well, Megan is doing well. Two weeks ago she passed her last 190 so now she is in 200s and qualifying. The cut-off for the CSR in June was yesterday, so she won't be going in June. She's really bumbed out and very close to the speed, but not quite there. She'll be ready come October.

    Say "hi" to your mom.

    Oh, and the picture is interesting, isn't it. I live with a bunch of shutter-bugs ,and they're always coming up with quirky ideas.

    Talk to ya soon...
  • adele c frazier

    Yup, we're doing the annual trip.
  • Tami

    Nope, the pic's mine now. You have to come visit to see it. :)
  • Clay Frazier

    ya for sure we finish 16 slices when you're helping :)
  • Tami

    Yep, but you still won't be getting the pic. Clay's Dad framed it. :)
  • Tami

    So are you both going to hold out on me with the good news???
  • Tami



    Now are you going to Disneyland?????? :)

    Don't make it sound so bad -- three times. You took it the first time early, passed the two legs, and that last Q & A was a killer that you were both super close on!

    When I first took the speed contest, Mark didn't pass all three legs. I think that happened quite a bit to him actually. Of course I didn't even pass one leg my first time in the speed contest. :)

    BUT, I'm telling you that because you hear about failures about a tenth of the time that you hear about a pass.

    Now you get to buckle down and do the next one. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
    Candice, so happy to see your name on that list!!!
  • Tami

    I meant to get a birthday wish on here yesterday, and I didn't, so . . .

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY one day late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for spending a chunk of it with us. It was such a fun brunch and DELICIOUS!

    I really can't believe you even made it out our way because of your wisdoms just being pulled. I wish we would have taken a picture of you all swollen up!

    AND you didn't even complain!! :)

    So I got a great idea after hanging up the phone with you last night re: the HURPs.

    When the witness continues with his answer, why don't we just drop down the -DZ with the HURP outlines???

    I actually think it will work amazingly. I'll try it out when we start the evidence on the next trial.

    Thanks for calling me on it. It's something that had been bugging me, especially since on Friday with my visiting judge there was no control of the courtroom so it was Interruption City, and that exact situation must have happened ten times.

    Have a great week!!

    My judge is back this week, though. YIPPEEE for that!
  • Tami

    I just noticed you updated your RPR status. YEAH!!!
  • Tami

    How's your hand doing??

    It looked terrible!

    I sure hope you're on the mend.

    You need to be our 100th member of the Magnum Steno Fan Club. Next one is 99, so if you decide you want to join -- I'll still love you if you don't -- wait for one more member. :)

    Take care!
  • Tami

    I guess you are already a member of the Fan Club. I didn't think you were!

    Now I have to figure out who else needs to be No. 100. :)

    Clay has been busy. Keeps him out of trouble, I guess. Of course that's never really been a problem for him.

    We're probably going to go to the desert tomorrow to take him to lunch and check out his work digs. Cole and Chase are at wrestling camp this week, so that's the only potential glitch. If one of them gets hurt, we'll end up having to go to the college where they're staying.

    Cole did blow out his knee again today, so hopefully it won't get any worse. Wrestling is just absolutely brutal.

    Glad to hear you're getting back to work.
  • Tami

    That boy is so smooth!! I don't think he has a nerve in his body. :)

    Your mom will have to be 200.
  • Tami

    So did you have fun this week with your "surprise"??
  • Tami

    I didn't hear about the "cool trails." Hopefully I will this weekend.

    He'll probably be wiped out after this week, though!

    27 years. Probably the same as your mom and dad, right??

    We got a tandem Thai massage at this super cool Thai place. I honestly felt I had escaped to Thailand for a while. Think we might do it again on Friday for an "after-anniversary" party. :)

    The shoulder is feeling better today. I actually was able to blow dry my hair and style it. I hadn't done that for two weeks! It's been me and my baseball caps, which you know I like, but every day??

    Anyway, I've made good progress in two weeks. Now I can at least stretch my elbow out completely straight ahead of my body. Big difference from having it clenched next to my chest and body in a don't-touch-it position.

    It felt good to look presentable today. I'm trying to hide all the balls in the house, so I'm not tempted to want to throw 'em. HA!
  • Tami

    I just noticed your profile info. How sweeet is that!!!

    Thank you so much!!

    I love you, too, Candice!!!
  • Tami

    How is SFRAN??

    (I hear you're coming back soon.)
  • Tami

    So you don't love me any more or what?? :)
  • Tami

    Oh, so you-know-who told on me. :)

    I've just been missing you. . .

    Yep, I did my blower job this afternoon. It's looking pretty good out there -- and they never let me get near the weed whacker either (Chase did that today), although I did mow the whole yard for lots of years -- even nine months prego!

    I'm sure I already told you that. It's one of my favorites.

    I'm not breaking down and getting a Blackberry. I don't even like having a cellphone. :)

    I hope you've been happy, healthy, and just your usual sweet Candice!!
  • Tami

    You know you're our only mermaid!!!
  • Tami

    Thank you, Candice!!

    How are you doing? Have you been busy??

    Clay said he went to visit you last week after one of his big days in L.A. Made me happy!
  • Tami

    So I hear you crashed our pad and we were gone for the night??

    No fair!!

    We had such an awesome time!!

    Did they tell you the wedding was at the same place we were married?? I felt like Cinderella all over again. :)
  • Tami

    Oh, yes, Cade did tell me about the ride in the bug with the top down. :)

    Clay doesn't have to permit anything. He has no say around here until he starts paying rent. HA!
  • Christine Kirley

    Thanks. We had no current pics of just us two so went outside and took one. Not the best, but it will do.

    How are you doing? How is work going?
  • Christine Kirley

    Work is good. Super busy month this month.
    Megan is doing well. She has one 200 qualifier to pass. She is struggling with her accuracy right now. Gets a stroke for everything, though. No, she doesn't have a page. She's so busy with school she doesn't want to take the time right now. Also, she just got engaged, so that's going to take time, planning a wedding.
  • Tami

    No, he didn't tell me.

    So glad you're going. I'm sure it will be a blast.

    We did a couple of memberships through the nearly 20 years we've lived in B.C. Think they probably only added up to about nine months.

    Once I got carpal tunnel, when the club makes contact with the ball, it really hurt my hands. If I'd ever quit work and give my hands the rest they need, I think it would be just fine.

    I'm an ex-softball player, so while I can hit the snot out of the ball, there's no guarantee whether it will end up in right or left field, :)

    Oh, and I have zero short game, too.

    Back when Chase was a twinkle in our eye, we went to the Lawrence Welk Golf Resort for the weekend and had an absolute blast. Alton had just gotten me a fairway wood that I loved called "The Baffler."

    I kept hitting it so great, but when I'd pull another club, I'd SUCK!!

    So we get to this par three that's quite a distance, and I drove it to the green.

    I wasn't taking any chances by pulling out my putter, so I two putted it in with "The Baffler" -- PAR!!!

    We've been laughing about it ever since. :)
  • Christine Kirley

    You got it. I'll tell her.

    I love that you yearn to learn. Good for you!!
  • Tami

    Yeah, if it's not skating, it's hard to get him to even give it a shot.

    Glad you had fun in the desert. Wish I could have gone, but maybe next year again. :)