Amanda Vine Hall
  • Sacramento, CA
  • United States
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Amanda Vine Hall's Friends

  • Priscilla Gwaltney
  • Jen Burns
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

Amanda Vine Hall's Groups


Amanda Vine Hall's Page

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 11:36 on November 9, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Amanda, scratch that.

I just found all your job offers in my inbox.
you need to click on "send message to group" not on "send message" to me.
hope this makes sense.

At 11:34 on November 9, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Hello Amanda,
sadly the system is very limited to receiving/sending offers in the groups you join. it is not a centralized system and it does not have an admin backend.
basically, i have no control over anything in the "cover depo feature.

I am not sure what the issue is, the only way to find out is by doing the following.

1- when your ready to send your next job offer please inform me immediately to see if i receive it (I receive all job offers)
2- if i receive it, it means everyone else did and there is simply no interest in that job for what ever reason (I highly doubt it since almost all jobs are covered in minutes)

let me know.
At 8:09 on August 3, 2008, Jen Burns said…
I'm well. Just crazy busy with summer activities. School starts here August 14th - yikes!! How are all of you?
At 20:43 on July 14, 2008, Priscilla Gwaltney said…
Hi, Amanda!!! How are u? Have you got this figured out yet? I need to do utilize this a little more. It seems like a really good networking tool.
At 11:00 on December 18, 2007, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
hello, Its also a good idea to have a picture of yourself on your page, please check this post, thank you. Click here!
At 10:59 on December 18, 2007, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
please join the Court Reporters and scopists group to your left.
just click "Court Reporters and scopists" and "Join Court Reporters"

this is our 1st week, give it some time, it should get very exciting
around here.

Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you
will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and
add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
if you have any questions please let me know.