Julie Vrooman
  • Female
  • Greenville, Texas
  • United States
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Julie Vrooman's Friends

  • Delicia Struss
  • Deitra Caffey
  • Nancy Marie Eleby
  • Kendra Garcia
  • Tiffani Yeates
  • Jennifer Mendoza
  • Jennifer Slessinger
  • Susan Perry Miller

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At 18:32 on August 29, 2012, Delicia Struss said…

Hi, Julie.  Sorry I missed your message somehow.  Feel free to e-mail me.

delstruss at a o l dot com.


At 14:40 on December 14, 2009, Stephanie Hart said…
Hi Julie. I would love to help you out scoping transcripts. I have been scoping for eight years and proofreading for close to 10 years. E-mail me if you would like rates or have any other questions.
At 14:28 on December 14, 2009, Donna Bleskin said…
Julie - I saw that you were looking for a scopist. Check out my profile, recommendations on this site, and rate sheet and let me know if I can be of assistance.
At 8:16 on February 5, 2009, Jennifer Slessinger said…
I blogged LIPKA and everyone seems to think they are okay and they pay. they are looking for people in east texas, you should sign up. I may be up in your neck of the woods early March, so I will call and come by and see you. you can tell me where the nice motels are. take care
At 20:01 on February 3, 2009, Jennifer Slessinger said…
Okay, stranger. did you get the email from lipka.com? They are looking for reporters. Send me some pictures
At 7:56 on September 4, 2008, Nancy Marie Eleby said…
You're welcome...anytime!! :) I'll see u on Friday.
At 18:55 on August 25, 2008, Susan Perry Miller said…
I remember you, Julie. Welcome back! Hope you're doing well. I really don't have any contacts in Dallas, and since Mikey's been gone seven years or so, I think he's pretty much lost touch with Dallas reporting... but you can contact Sunbelt here in Houston at 713.667.0763 and talk to Barbara Scott to see if they need any reporters up in Dallas; they have an office there and are great to work with (my 'home firm,' so to speak).

Wish you lots of luck!!

Was your husband in the service over in Iraq? If so, hope he's uninjured and happy to be home; please thank him for his service to our country for me.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help!
At 22:16 on July 19, 2008, Nancy Marie Eleby said…
No, thankfully because I had forgotten my umbrella....what a dork!! Have a good weekend!
At 14:18 on July 19, 2008, Kendra Garcia said…
The vacation was nice. We just went down to SPI for the week. Pretty relaxing. So have you gone to Greenville yet to visit?
At 20:41 on July 18, 2008, Kendra Garcia said…
Guess those people never came by, huh? They called me about it but I haven't called back yet as I was on vacation.