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  • Chattanooga, TN
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  • April Hixson
  • Brittany Imler
  • Angie Burress
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

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At 6:51 on October 24, 2009, Angie Burress said…
Hey Katie, good to hear from you. I am sorry that it takes me a while to get back with you, but I have psychology for the Deaf this semester and I have been studying my butt off for test. Her test are terrible. I am trying to pass my 180 test in Laqueta's class. She told us you were moving. LOL!!! Do you like it out there? Seen any snow yet? I loved it when it lived there years ago. The mountains are beautiful. How's work? I will be glad when I get finished with school, so I can get a job. I hope captioning colorado has started hiring by the time I finish school. It is good to hear from you again keep in touch.
At 8:41 on October 13, 2009, April Hixson said…
Hey! How are you doing? I hope everything is going good for you! I heard about you moving out to CO. Good Luck! I hope everythings works out for you up there. Well, anyways have a good day and hope to hear from you soon! take care.
At 8:59 on October 12, 2009, Angie Burress said…
Hey stranger how is Colorado?
At 13:26 on July 6, 2009, April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR said…
birth day glitter

At 9:49 on July 6, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…
Hi, Katie!

Wow! You're a captioner?! You're my hero! :)

I'm a CR student right now, and when I get out of school I'd love to either do freelance depo work or closed captioning. What is it like? What are you hours? Did you get to choose them? Also, how long did you spend in school?

Thanks for any help you can give a CR student. And I hope you have a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D


I'm a Steno Nerd!
At 9:47 on July 6, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…

At 8:21 on May 6, 2009, Angie Burress said…
Hey Katie, sad to hear your leaving, but CO is a great place to live. I lived there for about 6 months with my boyfriend years ago. I am trying to pass into the last class. I am stilll hanging in there. I hope the job is worth all this. The last test I got back was a 92. YUK! Ha! I am still in good spirits though. Everybody at school is trying to pass or has passed the semester is almost over. I am still bringing up the rear! It is good to hear from you. Tell Beverly I said Hello.
At 8:07 on May 3, 2009, Angie Burress said…
Hey Katie, how are things going? How is Beverly? Do you see her much? Tell her she is missed at school. I am doing OK still trying to pass speed test I am really close on the 160. ALMOST THERE! HA HA!
At 7:33 on March 12, 2009, Angie Burress said…
Thanks for letting me know this. It is something to think about and I hope this situation gets better in time. Now, I know what you meant by people might start to complain. Bad captions aren't good.
At 8:15 on March 11, 2009, Angie Burress said…
Hey Katie, good to hear from you. I did not know that Caption CO was not hiring that is disappointing news. What is do-it-yourself captioning? Hopefully you can pick up more hours in the future and yes, I agree that the teachers and students need to know what is going on right now. It makes me wonder about all this (ya know)!!! I am glad that you really like your job, and I hope I can go to work when I finish school. HA!! If I ever get out! HA! HA! Keep in touch.