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  • Theodore T Nance
  • Chad-Worldwide Court Reporters
  • Kristen Wofford
  • Dianna Hubbard Stein
  • Accuracy-Plus Reporting
  • Continental Court Reporters, Inc
  • Debbie Mayer
  • Daniel Michael Abdallah
  • Tamara L. Blakely
  • Denise Graham




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SUSAN PORTALE and Theodore T Nance are now friends
Jul 28, 2020

Profile Information

What is your occupation?
Court Reporter Extraordinaire - CSR. RPR, RMR, CCRR
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?
Case Catalyst

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 16:55 on October 29, 2014, Kelly Magdaleno said…

Hello Susan, I was perusing the boards and noticed you needed a scopist a few months back. I hope you have found good help, if not, I offer my assistance. I have a decade of experience, excellent communication and a penchant for the details. Please see my website for more information. I would love to help lighten your load this holiday season! 


At 13:00 on June 10, 2014, Danielle M. Starkweather said…

Hey Susan, I am highly seasoned, with over 20 years of experience. I have done all aspects of work, including legal, medical, EUOs, EBTs, conference calls, video, etc. I am a proficient note reader, as well. If you are interested, please email me @  Fast TAT and reasonable rates.  Looking forward to hearing from you. 

At 16:11 on June 7, 2014, Kristen Wofford said…

Hello, Susan.  I saw your post that you are seeking a scopist.  I have been reporting for almost 20 yrs, have my RPR, and just recently moved to Reno, NV and am scoping and proofreading.  I am on Eclipse and have been on Eclipse forever... I keep my support current and I am also a part of Eclipse Users Group.  I would be glad to speak with you further.  My email is

Kristen Wofford, RPR

At 9:21 on June 7, 2014, Leslie Medina said…

Hello, Susan,  I put a message elsewhere on this website, and now I'm not sure where!  I'm a scopist with 25 years' experience, follow Gregg and your preferences, can read notes and send you globals, and hope to have a long-term relationship.  My current clients need only occasional scoping.  I'd love to hear from you!  My email address is

At 8:39 on June 7, 2014, Millie Corbin said…

Hi Susan,Just saw your ad and I'm interested.  I am on CaseCAT 15.I have been scoping for about a year and love it. I'm looking to expand my reporter base and hoping to develop a long-term relationship.   I was a notereader back in the day.  I like to use both audio and notes when transcribing.  You can reach me at  My name is Millie Corbin

At 16:33 on December 2, 2013, Dianna Hubbard Stein said…

Hi Susan,

Hope you're doing well!  Maybe we'll run into each other someday! :)

At 13:19 on October 20, 2009, Tamara L. Blakely said…
Hi, Susan. Just trying to connect with people from the past! It's been a while. Hope all is well with you. Tammy
At 9:23 on October 6, 2009, Mary Heederik said…
Yes, and I worked for you back in the '90s. I wound up being an official up in Sonora and then my husband and I moved back to WI in '99. The firm that I came to work for, the owner retired in 2000 and I took over his firm. We are Kraemer & Associates out of Wausau, WI.
How are you doing?? Your kids must be all grown up by now?? Are you still in Stockton??? Mary
At 21:07 on September 29, 2009, Denise Graham said…
Hi Susan,

Just wanted to pop in and say hello. These are my children.
