Tara Jameson
  • Waldorf, MD
  • United States
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At 11:14 on July 29, 2014, A and B Reporting, LLC. said…

Good afternoon,

My office was checking to see if you were available to cover an all day ARB in Baltimore for August 6th. Please let us know if you can assist. calendar@abreporting.com 877 620-6622  www.abreporting.com  Thank you. Linn

At 7:35 on September 11, 2009, Kathleen Iuzzolino said…
Hi, Tara. Welcome to CSRNation. I'm a long-time scopist, former RPR. I'd love to see you get work. So as tactfully as I can manage: Can you quickly go to your post and fix the seven glaring punctuation and spelling mistakes? I'd hate to see this affect your ability to get work.