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  • North Liberty, Indiana
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  • Jeannie Wright
  • Brittany Imler

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At 9:59 on January 13, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Hi, Tara - I already know you don't get on here a lot, but Brit said you might go to an onground school and I was just checking to see how your semester is going! Holler back if you can!
At 8:47 on January 7, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Hey, Tara - how's the semester starting for you? Who did you get? I'm back with Mrs. Scoggins and a whole bunch of newbies - and 3 women who took classes about 10-15 years ago - that's interesting!

Let me know how you are doing!
At 10:34 on December 31, 2008, Jeannie Wright said…


Happy New Year, Tara - maybe we will be in class together next quarter! Jeannie
At 11:37 on December 29, 2008, Jeannie Wright said…
TARA! Happy New Year! It's been a long time and I thought I'd drop in and say Hello! How did your last quarter go? What speed will you be in next? What's your next academic!

I hope it's all going well for you and I wish you the very best!

Hit me back and say HI
At 21:22 on October 1, 2008, Jeannie Wright said…
Hi, Tara! So good to hear from you! I really hope you are doing okay - I know what you mean about the pressure! You will enjoy the tech class and Ms. Moss - and, the tech class will really help with some of that frustration we always have in our writing - it does simplify things!

Well, Brit's in another class and I really miss her - she is so sweet and a really lovely girl - you can be (and I know you are) extraordinarily proud of her! She's the kind of girl you wish lived in town so you could lunch together!

Tara - hang in there and holler if you need anything - you know me - I'm always on line!
At 13:50 on September 30, 2008, Jeannie Wright said…
Where in the world are you, Taraleigh! How did last quarter go for you and who's class are you in this quarter? holler back if you can!
At 13:12 on July 10, 2008, Jeannie Wright said…
Bonjour, Tara! How is the week going for you? I think you will have a more relaxed semester -- I'm a little tense and my fingers are sore and I am so sleepy ( I steno until about 1 a.m and then get up and go to work -- I thought I left that behind when my babies grew up -- guess not!). Say Hi when you get a chance!
At 8:25 on June 21, 2008, Jeannie Wright said…
Hey, Tara! Just wanted to say hello! I'm playing catch-up in theory -- I'm glad you made your decision, it will only strengthen your skills - I'm going to try and move on and not freak out!
At 11:56 on June 18, 2008, Cathy said…
Hi Taraleigh! I just joined and seen some familiar names. I really don't know what to do now but here I am. Have a great day!
Cathy Bickham
At 8:33 on June 4, 2008, Jeannie Wright said…
Hi, Tara! How's your Wednesday?