Thomas Herman
  • Male
  • Miami Beach, FL
  • United States
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  • Cody Knacke
  • Lamb Lamb
  • Karl Immel

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At 2:52 on December 14, 2009, Karl Immel said…
Thanks. I had a great birthday!
At 14:09 on December 9, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…
Hehehe! I know, right? Where does the time go? I hit that magical number next year in April! Oh boy! You better do something BIG for the 3-0 mark! :)

You have pugs! Aren't they the best? We take care of my aunt's pug at our house (she can't anymore 'cause she has an apartment), and he has the saddest yet cutest face ever! Hehehe. His name is "Sneaks" -- for sneakers. My cousin is kind of obsessed with Nike and whatnot. :P

Hope you have a great year ahead of you, Thomas! :)

At 9:25 on December 8, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…

At 21:38 on December 6, 2009, Cody Knacke said…
Hey Hey :)
If you live close enough to the school then I would def say go in person! Every day I wish I could go in person but the school is too far. I feel like I am light years behind people who go to school in all the random court reporting stuff that you are supposed to know. It also gets pretty tempting to just sit around and do nothing instead of practicing haha.
At 14:02 on October 16, 2009, Karl Immel said…
Hey, getting into scoping is a great idea, and steno is quite easy to learn. Good luck. I will probably talk with you more on FB than here, as I find FB seems a lot easier to navigate, but am looking forward to getting to know you.
At 15:25 on October 13, 2009, Karl Immel said…
I used to work for a court reporting agency as a typist, then I got into scoping. Worked there for about seven years and then decided to go out on my own. What made you decide the profession? By the way, I put in a friend request for you on Facebook.
At 13:42 on October 13, 2009, Karl Immel said…
Yeah. It's a French Bulldog, pug mix... and excuse my French, but she's a real bitch.
At 8:30 on September 8, 2009, Kathleen O'Connor said…
Sure. It's
At 7:24 on September 8, 2009, Kathleen O'Connor said…
Hi Thomas,
Could you please email me your rates per page and your turn around time. Thanks.
At 8:55 on September 2, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Thanks so much Thomas.
I hope you can find good long lasting clients on here.


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Use of "so" as end of answer. I know there was a blog or discussion on here but I can't find it now.

Sorry in advance, as I know this was already discussed on here, but I can't find the discussion. I'm proofing a Q & A and almost every other answer ends with and unneeded "so" which my CR currently has as ending with a period. I know she doesn't like -- and ... isn't really correct as she isn't trailing off, she'll give a complete answer and ad (so) to the end for God knows what reason. This is a bad habit, I guess, that she ends sentences with "so". I'm thinking the . would be correct. "I… Continue

Posted on January 8, 2010 at 16:41 — 10 Comments

Question Regarding "ish"

Okay, I feel odd writing this but I looked around and never found the answer so I'm hoping for some feedback.

I was doing a proof and a doctor answered low-averagish intellect before the accident. Wouldn't that be low-average-ish before the accident; or low average-ish before the accident? I was wondering why it was written as such, I know "ish" is a common term in pop culture lingo but I was a bit thrown off that a doctor used it in that manner. I marked it for the reporter… Continue

Posted on September 15, 2009 at 22:04 — 7 Comments