Valerie Ravencraft
  • Oklahoma City, OK
  • United States
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Valerie Ravencraft's Discussions

How Do I Get Started?
3 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by kathy carter Apr 21, 2009.


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At 10:53 on April 20, 2009, Lois Whitley said…
Valerie: Browse through this site in Classifieds for any software for sale. Although, again, you would only need the editing portion (cheaper than full translation/editing software) since the reporter sends a job to you already translated using her personal dictionary. Make sure you indicate you want Audio Sync with the software so you can listen to audio. I know at one time the Stenograph site for CaseCATalyst was offering a 0% interest payment plan. Check out their site. Other CAT systems sites may offer similar. I again suggest you do some research on the various scopist/reporter sites before investing. There's also the option of offering your scoping services on-site at a reporting agency. That way you can use their software and computers. But, then you have to work away from home. I personally don't believe in these on-line scopist schools, who just want your money. Best bet is gain actual experience with an understanding reporter who wants to give you a try, based on your marketing pitch. The only drawback with buying used software from someone, is that you also need what's called a "security key" to hook to your computer from the software brand. You also would need tech support and if you don't buy from the manufacturer, you don't get that. It's also too scary to buy used from someone, because used programs could have viruses or nasty things in them that could corrupt your computer. Good luck to you and let me know how it goes.

At 16:33 on April 18, 2009, Lois Whitley said…
Hi, Valerie, Your best bet is to start out here and browse through all the informative groups discussions. From what I can see, the most widely used CAT system is either Stenograph CaseCATalyst or Eclipse. You would only need the editing portion of the software. After gaining info. here on CSRNation, go to Stenograph or Eclipse sites and look into what they charge for software and support. Also check out the NCRA website for helpful info and suggestions. Sounds like you have had enough transcript experience on your own previously, to market your experience and services.