Court Reporters


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Comment by Deanna Jackson on January 16, 2018 at 16:13

My name is Deanna.  I live in Manhattan, New York.  I am New to CSR Nation and looking forward.  I'm looking for freelance jobs that may post for a CR in New York.  Seven plus years experience, medical terminology utilized, (M.D, expert testimony).  I'm on CaseCAT, and working sometimes as a scopist.  If anything comes in let me know.  I can send resume.   Thanks.  

Comment by Celeste Davis-Dill on December 6, 2017 at 5:55

I’m a freelance legal transcript proofreader and accepting new clients. Drop an email my way if you want to spend less time working and more time with your family and friends this holiday season. Or if you just want to curl up with a good book, a cup of hot chocolate, and a Christmas movie instead of a good transcript, I’m here to help.

Comment by marianne damico candiloros on December 4, 2017 at 9:04

Hi!  We are an agency in central NJ.  We have GREAT work, no medical; mostly employment law, securities work and construction and basic tort.  Great clients.  we pay weekely on all finished work  realtime would be fantastic as we get a lot of roughs and realtime work.  Please call Marianne or Bill at 908.546.7650. 

thank you.

Comment by Candace H Harris on November 20, 2017 at 7:06

Three more days until Thanksgiving! Are you wishing you had more time to prepare and spend time with your family? Contact me today at, and let’s talk about how I can help make that wish come true.

Comment by J.H. Buehrer & Associates on November 10, 2017 at 10:05

Hello! New Jersey CSRs, we have immediate (next week!) openings in the following Workers' Compensation courts that we handle: New Brunswick, Lebanon, Toms River, Freehold, and Trenton. Full-time and part-time positions available. Steady work and pay, light transcripts, nice attendance fee. Please call us to discuss! 732-295-1975 or email Thank you!

Comment by SUSAN PORTALE on November 9, 2017 at 18:02

Louie Romo needs a court reporter tomorrow at 11 a.m. in San Francisco

Please contact him at (213) 925-7861

Thank you!!!

Comment by Celeste Davis-Dill on October 26, 2017 at 13:31

Can you find all of the errors in the pic?  If not, perhaps you could use a fresh pair of eyes to do the proofing for you.  

I'm Celeste, and I would love to work with court reporters from anywhere and everywhere. I have a BA in English and a background in proofreading. 

Please let me give you the chance to sit back and relax a little. 

If you have questions, or would just like to connect, feel free to do so here or email me at I'm also on Instagram @cdavisdill, and I have a Facebook business page @celesteddill. 

Have a wonderful week.

Comment by AVICORE Reporting on October 20, 2017 at 15:55
Manchester, NH!! We are in need of a Court Reporter. Come join our great team of Court Reporters. We are a freelance deposition firm. Come to New Hampshire and enjoy income and sales tax free environment. Please send us your resume. Email: or call 1-888-212-2072. I look forward to speaking with you.
Comment by Madonna Farrell on October 6, 2017 at 16:22

I need a proofer ASAP, to proof a job by Sunday! email me at!  Thanks in advance! 

Comment by Marilyn Zelinsky on October 6, 2017 at 9:08

Hello, everyone. I am a transcript proofreader for court reporters and I am looking to add a client or two to my current schedule. Communication is so important and I provide reliable, timely service and a quick response time. I strive for excellence with every job as I am passionate about the English language and love what I do! I work with .pdf files and return only the annotated pages in .pdf format. I can also work with your .txt file which I will convert to a .pdf. My rates are .35/page for regular two- to three-day turnaroundI work weekends at no additional charge! I truly believe proofreading DOES matter so please visit my website at to learn more about me, my rates, my services, and my special discount for first-time clients! Thank you, all!

Comment by Madonna Farrell on October 2, 2017 at 11:46

HELP!  I took a brutal 300 pages of deps last week, video, lots of interruptions, super fast, that just got expedited for Wednesday!  Any takers?  email me at

Comment by Monna Dudensing on September 28, 2017 at 8:27


Comment by Tom Brown on September 27, 2017 at 23:23

CART Captioners needed in San Diego!

If you are interested in doing onsite CART in the greater San Diego, CA area, please contact me ASAP.

Thanks, Tom


Comment by Theresa Silva on September 27, 2017 at 19:16

Addendum to last post:


Theresa again.  I also forgot to mention that I clean transcripts before sending them out to scopists and turnaround is approx. 7 days.

Comment by Theresa Silva on September 27, 2017 at 18:46


My name is Theresa Silva.  I am a RT reporter and I have clean writing.  My untranslated rate is 1% and I pick up all drops.  I am looking for a scopist.  My rate is .85 per page.  Please let me know if you are interested.

Thank you

Comment by Crusader on September 10, 2017 at 14:34

I am an experienced full-time California proofreader having read 795,000+ pages since November 2002. Regular turnaround is approximately 2 to 4 calendar days.

Proficient with Stenograph Case CATalyst 18 & Stenovations digitalCAT utilizing spot-check or no audio. Will also read with iAnnotate on my 12.9-inch iPad. Old-fashioned proofreading on paper where I provide an errata is also available.

Substantial background in medical and legal fields and I managed a busy California court reporting agency.

Please visit my website for contact information, rate information, policies, and unsolicited testimonials.
We Never Sleep Proofreading or (760) 799-1281

Comment by Bobbie Jo Harr on September 6, 2017 at 9:56

Good morning, Reporters!  If you are using a Passport Touch writer or have in the past or are considering purchasing one, please join our group on Facebook called "Passport Touch Writers Group - Uncensored."  This site was created to offer support among fellow reporters using the PPT, to help troubleshoot issues they might be having, and to be able share your thoughts regarding the machine, positive or negative.  Other sites have blocked reporters for reaching out.  If you are no longer using the machine for whatever reason, please also join the Facebook site.  We'd like to hear from you.   Thank you!                                             

Passport Touch Writers Group - Uncensored.  

Comment by Lorraine Flood on August 30, 2017 at 6:22

Hi my name is Lorraine Flood with 30 years in the scoping and proofing industry.  I am on CaseCatalyst, StenoCat, Eclipse and can also do PDF.  I am available immediately.  Please contact me at  Thank you.

Comment by Natalie Osenbaugh on August 27, 2017 at 17:08

Busy? Overwhelmed? Exhausted? Need five extra minutes to maintain your sanity? I can help!

Instead of taking the time to proofread your transcripts yourself, send them to me. I will go over them, fact checking dates and addresses, correcting punctuation for readability, and catching those sneaky typos that slip by. When you give your transcript to me, I'm a set of fresh eyes. I'll do my best to make sure you have a clean, accurate transcript. I work by marking on PDF. Audio is available upon request at a different rate.

For references I use:

  • Lillian Morson's English Guide for Court Reporters
  • Bad Grammar, Good Punctuation by Margie Wakeman Wells
  • Gregg's Reference Manual
  • The best punctuation book, period. by June Casagrande
  • The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  • Various Internet sources (e.g.,, etc)

And most importantly:

  • Your preferences.

I will take your preferences into account when proofreading. Like the Oxford comma? Great! Hate it? Ok, that's fine too. I'm here to help YOU.

Please don't hesitate to e-mail me with any jobs, questions, or just to chat! Please visit my website here for more information or e-mail me at

Comment by Madonna Farrell on August 25, 2017 at 12:49

oh, and I am also looking for full audio proofers!  email me at!

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