Amy Rivas
  • Female
  • Visalia, CA
  • United States
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At 8:37 on September 18, 2009, Denise Polk said…
Hello Amy

I just wanted to connect with you. Im from Tulare and I am going to Bryan College Court Reporting. It sounds like you want to be a scopist....from what they are teaching us scoping will be around as long as court reporters will be. What do I know though Im still a student in the speed building program!! I just really wanted an excuse to say hello!!!

Denise Polk
At 19:31 on January 22, 2009, Danelle Young said…
Hi Amy,

I have been scoping since my oldest daughter was 2 1/2 and she's now 18. I don't know whether I'd say scoping is going to become obsolete because of Realtime. I think the reporter would still need someone to go through their jobs even if it's in Realtime. I've done some scoping for reporters that it's almost like proofreading work. I have a couple of reporters that want their jobs done with audio, and they don't take that long because they've gotten almost all of the testimony and it's just going through and maybe putting a word in that they dropped or punctuation in. I think some reporters really don't want to do the editing part and they'd rather just have to proof through the job. I think a lot depends on the software you have also. I also do proofreading. Sometimes proofreading for a reporter can turn into scoping for the reporter. I think the top CAT software out there are Eclipse, Case Catalyst and Stenocat 32. Any other questions, just let me know.
