Dawn Scott
  • Female
  • Apple Valley, Minnesota
  • United States
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  • Reid Bryce Robbins

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Eclipse scopist looking for court reporter

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At 7:34 on January 14, 2010, Earl Hicks Jr. said…
Hello, Dawn. I am contacting you to see if you have any interest in joining us in a couple of upcoming transcription contracts you can do from home. One is with a Circuit Court and the other is with a federal investigation agency. We will be in need of several experienced transcriptionists and you would be a great addition to our team. Please review our website and let me know.

Thanks, Earl
At 17:29 on February 26, 2009, Reid Bryce Robbins said…
Sounds like you have an interesting background. I always wondered if it would work well to write medical tapes on my steno machine and have a scopist scope out the transcription and if there would be enough money in that to make it worth both of us doing so.