Katy Jackson
  • Female
  • Lynwood, CA
  • United States
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  • Karen Lee Woods

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At 7:57 on January 29, 2013, Deborah M. said…

Of course I remember you!  How are you?  Were you working in court before?  Did you figure out the cover depos thing? 

At 18:59 on April 19, 2012, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Katy, hit on the Cover Depos tab at the top of the page.  Hit on the group that you want to pay for and a paywall will come up.  You just follow the instructions from there.  You were a bit vague on what the problem is so I'm not sure how to help you.

You can also send me a check at Kelli Combs, 110 Hayward Ave. San Mateo, CA 94401 if you don't want to pay with a credit card.  Once I receive your check, I'll comp you for a year.

At 7:37 on November 1, 2011, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
The fee, Katy, as I told you is to be in the Cover Depos LA group, not to be on the website.  There is no charge to be on the website.
At 11:13 on May 6, 2011, Janiece Young said…

Katy, The firm that is looking for a reporter sends out an email through this site and you respond back to that firm.  At that point you're communicating directly w/ that firm.  I usually get their direct email and give them mine and go from there.


At 9:34 on September 6, 2009, Diane D'Angelo said…
Hi, Kay! Long time no hear! How've you been?? Hope all is well!