Lisa Williams
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  • Janice McMoran
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

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Lisa Williams's Blog

NCRA Members' Motion to Rescind Board Action 08-11-13

If you are an NCRA member or associate member concerned about the Board’s move to explore testing and certification of non-stenographic methods, I urge you to visit Our NCRA Constitution & Bylaws provides a vehicle for the membership to rescind Board actions. In conjunction with the overwhelming concern expressed on NCRA's Forum, as well as other sites, a reporter group formed and developed an appropriate motion for the membership’s consideration,… Continue

Posted on April 17, 2009 at 6:28

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At 14:34 on January 18, 2008, Lisa Williams said…
It's not nearly as good as it sounds. I just saw a convention photo of two reporters in Janice's "friends" that was a really nice photo and it made me think of one that was taken of the two of us together at the convention that wasn't nearly as flattering; you know, one of those photos of yourself that when you see it, it's, uh, did we really look like that? Lose that pic!

I'm going to have to replace this avatar eventually. I just haven't had time to fool with it. I've been busy battling electronic demons! Computer problems, writer problems, time-wasting problems!
At 12:26 on January 17, 2008, Lisa Williams said…
Yes, ma'am. That would be the one! And don't worry that you're going to see it here (or anywhere else).
At 12:23 on January 17, 2008, Janice McMoran said…
I know exactly the one you're talking about! Yeah, don't you dare. Glass Cactus, right???
At 10:00 on January 7, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
hello, thanks for joining.
At 8:13 on January 7, 2008, Janice McMoran said…
Okay, Lisa. I just joined this thing. Just another thing to waste my time on. But it looks fun!