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Susan's Friends

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  • Tracy Ellison
  • KJM
  • Alexis McCutchen

Susan's Page

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At 15:58 on March 3, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
Hello to all my fellow student court reporting friends!

Update on seminar. I got the cost of the seminar even lower!!! $50 for 10 or more and it looks like we're there. So if you are interested register by Wednesday, Mar. 4 and make sure they know you're with my group for the deal.

Miss you all and hope to see you all Saturday!

At 20:29 on March 2, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
I had several working reporters highly suggest that I check out Mark Kislingbury's seminar being held in Sacramento on March 7 at the Sheraton Hotel.

When I saw that registration was $299.00 I fell over, but I called to see if they would give us a group rate if I could round up more students.

Here's what they would do:
For students and teachers -- $99 each
5 or more students -- $75.00 or 2 teachers and 4 students -- $75.00

We need to call and register no later than Wednesday, March 4. Call (713)837-6595 ask for Samuel. Give him my name so that he can give you the lower rate, provided we have 5 or more.

At 15:34 on February 22, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
Hey, you!!! How's it going? Hey, noticed Leticia wrote you too. I wanted to congratulate you first!!! ; ) A little bird told me something about you being married. Or is it just engaged for now? And you know how the rumor mill can go on and on and on...but I also heard that you might have another little surprise soon? If so, I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!

I miss seeing all of you. Trevor and I are doing great. Trevor is one away from Qualifiers. These Young'uns. I must have fed him some good vitamins as a child. Or maybe it was the piano lessons that helped keep his fingers fast...hmmmm.

Take care.

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