Tara Martin
  • Female
  • Pinellas Park, Florida
  • United States
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Comment Wall (20 comments)

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At 15:11 on October 24, 2009, Rhonda R. Harris, CSR said…
I am looking for a proofreader to give me some assistance in the next couple of weeks. If you are available, please contact me and provide some references. That would be great.
At 14:52 on October 22, 2009, V. Dario Stanziola said…
Tara, Can you please call me asap 704-992-0809.
At 9:43 on October 6, 2009, KENYNIA DARDEN said…
Hi Tara, are you available to proof a job for me?
At 10:29 on September 25, 2009, jan bickford said…
Are you taking on more proofreading work? I'm on Case Cat and a relatively small producer. If you're interesed, please e-mail me at bickfordj@live.com
Thank you!
Jan Bickford
At 20:24 on August 10, 2009, KENYNIA DARDEN said…
hi Tara, i see that you're busy, but if you can take a proofing assignment, please let me know and your turnaround time and rates! kieriz@aol.com. Thanks!
At 16:26 on July 26, 2009, Christi said…
Hi Tara - I am a CCR from NJ looking for a scopist - please forward me your rates, turnaround times, etc. - thank you!!
At 8:57 on June 22, 2009, Crystal Chilton said…
If you are available for work, please send me your rates and turnaround time. Thanks! crystalcsr8@hotmail.com
At 6:14 on June 5, 2009, Mary Vazquez said…
Hey Tara. Are you available for work? I'm looking to hire someone who can handle a case or two a week. Please let me know. Thanks, Mary
At 8:23 on June 1, 2009, Christina Diaz, CRC CRR RDR CSR said…
If you are taking on new clients, I am looking for a scopist. Could you please send me your rates and your email address??
At 12:58 on April 30, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Thank you so much for your donation, Tara!

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