Well, indeed it wasn't the end of the road. It was the beginning of something totally different. I applied for unemployment, because we needed to have money coming into the house. When i first applied I didn't know if I could run a business and collect at the same time. Well I found out. New York State Department of Labor has a program called SEAP which stands for Self Employment Assistance Program. They allow you to start a business and continue collecting benefits at the same time. They ask you to meet certain benchmark requirements along the way, I guess to weed out the ones that are not serious. Also it is is a 12 week program.

So what I did was I put my name out on the internet and waited. And waited. Then I got a bright idea to stop into a court reporting office which is in my home town. I saw this place numerous times and dreamed about going to work there instead of in Manhattan. Anyway, I stopped in there and gave my name, business card, experience etc. They smiled politely and told me that the person to see wasn't there at the moment. Then someone called me back and said wait a second. I happen to have a reporter that is looking for a scopist. I will give him your number and ask him to call you. I went home all excited. The next day -- no call. The day after -- no call. I was devastated. What was I going to do now?

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Comment by Betsee on December 20, 2007 at 11:03
Good golly John! You've got us started on your blogging, now finish it! LOL
Comment by John E. O'Sullivan II on December 19, 2007 at 18:14
Wow, I follow your philosophy and agree with it too. Which is amazing in itself. I don't want to tell you what my mortgage payment is... that would knock your sox off your feet. Anyway, He always provides and I'm sure that now is no different.
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on December 19, 2007 at 10:56
Keep trying, keep looking, keep dreaming.
I am big dreamer and i NEVER give up, I always suggest to people new things, I always advice them to START a new venture, own your destiny, there are so many ways of making millions of dollars, you just have to build it, you just have to do it.. JUST do it.

i also always look down at the earth from the universe, (no I dont think I am god), I just think that the universe is so vast, huge and complicated that makes our daily job, money and material things so insignificant, a Super Nova, an explosion that occurs in less than a second, covers billions of light years, shadows galaxsys and destroys millions of planets gives you a new prospective on your none fat latte at starbucks.
However, i dont have kids and they most likely trump the super nova.

Hmm, I wounder if we have that 12 week program here in California.
I have 3 businesses and my major one is launching in February, I will not be able to do video depositions and run my other 3 websites + this one but being a videographer is what keeps me alive so i will have to keep on doing it.
I normally work on my sites at night from 7pm till 3am (like last night on this site)

Anyway, even if we did have this 12 week program it would hardly cover anything, its very expensive to live here, my rent went up $300 to $1700 AND at the worst time possible.
Wait wait.. $1700!!! i gotto go look for an apartment fast!
Be right back.

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