I'm going to lose my mind if my kids don't get over "Deadliest Catch"

That's all they want to watch and it seems to be on TV all the time. It's the boys who watch it, of course. I guess it's better than Bam and Jackass, for sure. But jeez, it gets boring. I even went out and bought some crab legs one day, I had seen so many of them on the TV.

We just got cable TV for the first time about six months ago and I became a total CSI nut and cold cases and stuff. They had nagged me for at least seven years to get cable, but the digital TV deal coming up next year, and I tried a converter box on my antennae and it just wasn't very good, so I figured we couldn't get around it much longer. I got Dish TV and I've been pretty happy with it. It just amazes me how much I spend on phone, internet, TV, cellphone. But internet of course is the greatest thing to happen to court reporting. When I think of how we had to research things back in the day, call the library research center, call car dealers, call pharmacists, whoever. This is sooo much better in so many ways. It's definitely a bargain.

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Comment by Sue Baker on May 7, 2008 at 19:47
hey, that's cool.
Comment by Elizabeth A. Willis-Lewis on May 7, 2008 at 11:16
I think I am a man in a woman's body. I love watching Deadliest Catch and Dirty Jobs! My husband and I are addicted to Deadliest Catch and have the DVR set to record all new episodes :)
Comment by Lee on May 7, 2008 at 8:30
I love watching Deadliest Catch and Dirty Jobs! Can't wait to try a Dutch Harbor Duck Fart!
Comment by Kathleen Iuzzolino on May 7, 2008 at 4:59
My son is a sous chef in a very expensive restaurant in NJ. They fly fresh Alaskan king crab in daily from the Time Bandit (a ship on the show.) It comes marked with the captain's name on the crate and it's dated the day before. Best crab in the world.
Comment by Deborah on May 7, 2008 at 3:58
Anything has to be better than "Dirty Jobs." Two words: Chicken Sexing. (gives me the shivers just thinking about it.)
Comment by KJM on May 6, 2008 at 20:05
LOL! My husband is addicted to that show, too! I have all the episodes recorded to the DVR, and he will watch episodes he's seen dozens of times. Deadliest Catch and Man vs. Wild...

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