The past month has been a nightmare of 4:55 pm cancellations for the next day, after I've already turned down six jobs, and then I end up with no job at all when it seems like everyone in town is taking a deposition. What is the deal? I know there are a lot of factors to cancellations, but I am beginning to think it's a trend due to the commitment-phobic state everyone is in nowadays. "Well, if I wake up in the morning and just don't feel like it, I won't go!" or maybe it really is some of the flimsy excuses I've heard this month, "We forgot to tell our client we were taking his deposition tomorrow and he can't come." This at 4:50 p.m., no kidding. My family and friends all say, "Y'all should charge cancellation fees!" I say, "Heck, we can hardly get them to pay the bills when we produce a nice trancript for them. They sure as heck won't pay a cancellation fee!" That, and all I know is, it is really hard to make decisions based on little or no information about upcoming jobs. How many of us have driven to East Jesus for a "fantastic" job, only to find out the witness has to wait for her husband to get home so he can drive her, so we sit and wait for two hours, she shows up and the depo takes thirty minutes? Two weeks ago I showed up for a court hearing -- had the summons in my hand -- and the courtroom was closed, locked and dark. Someone finally came down the hall and said, "You're not waiting for court, are you? Because he never has court on Fridays." The only thing that made me feel better was the defendant was there, did not know I had been hired for his case, so since his attorney didn't show up, I was able to calm him down and put him with the right people so he could find out what was going on with the case, poor man was a nervous wreck. I am starting to wonder if someone is trying to tell me something, like maybe it's time for a new career for me. I guess I'm going to hang in there for now. I feel like I am in my prime as a reporter, seriously. It would be a shame to waste all this talent, boys and girls, now wouldn't it?
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