The most dreaded three words in a court reporter's vocabulary.

Yep. It happened to me Friday morning. At times like these, you start to think about karma and what you've done in a past life that has brought you to this place. You then think about is it bec. I'm on the web too much.

Is it really a hard drive failure? If I reboot enough times, maybe a miracle will happen and it will work again. Alas, no such luck.

Was on the phone with Dell technician yesterday. Ran some memory tests. Oh, your hard drive is bad. Bleh!!! They will send me out a new hard drive. All you have to do is install it, and it will be as good as new. Sure.

Thank goodness I just backed up to my external hard drive on Monday. So I only three days of work. Most of which is at the proofer. But still a hard drive crash always brings you down. The uncertainty makes your stomach churn.

The other thing is I can't work. It's quite upsetting. I'm used to bouncing up at ungodly hours in the morning and knocking out a few pages. But no. Yesterday, I had to go shopping for some retail therapy. I really needed it. Otherwise, I would have been moping around the house all day. At least I was productive in the sense I got a lot of my Xmas shopping done.

Oh, well. Hopefully I'll be writing a blog about called up and running on Monday.

On the bright side, I can now take part in holiday events w/out feeling guilty that I should working on a transcript. But you know it will preying on the back of my mind.

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Comment by Kyung on December 19, 2008 at 15:11

It's not just Dells that can go bad. It can happen with any computer. So don't feel bad that you bought a Dell. I hear that Dells can be very good and reliable. Sometimes it just seems to be the luck of the draw.
Comment by Nancy J. Davilla on December 19, 2008 at 15:07
I'm not a court reporter, but I'll definitely be checking out the Carbonite site. My hard drive crashed a couple of weeks ago; luckily, I didn't have anything critical that couldn't be replaced. I just bought a Dell and now, seeing the comment about it only lasting a couple of years, I'm kicking myself for not going with something else.
Comment by Kyung on December 16, 2008 at 20:26
You could always trying upgrading your sound card. Do you have any kind of support on your Sony? I'd call them up and talk to them about it and see if you can get some kind of upgrade on the sound card.
Comment by Joanne Balboni on December 16, 2008 at 20:12
My Dell only lasted a couple of years. I always had some kind of an issue with it. It finally crashed. The only thing I liked about it was the audio sync. It was very clear no matter how noisy the room was. Now I have a Sony. I like it, but the audio is very poor and getting worse. Any suggestions?
Comment by Cari L. Waters-Drewry on December 16, 2008 at 7:43
Thanks. I will. Have a great day, Kyung. I have to say, I really enjoy reading your blogs. I don't comment on all of them, but you are quite helpful -- and entertaining too:)
Comment by Kyung on December 16, 2008 at 5:38
Carbanite is an online backup service. Basically it kind of runs in the background backing up all your files.


There's a 15-day free trial going on right now. Check it out.
Comment by Cari L. Waters-Drewry on December 15, 2008 at 22:03
What's carbanite? I've never heard of that.
Comment by Kyung on December 15, 2008 at 21:59
I'm up and running. Backup. Backup. I've pretty much decided to go with Carbanite. My IT person told me that she's heard good things about it.
Comment by Cari L. Waters-Drewry on December 15, 2008 at 13:08
Wow! I'm so sorry. How old is you Dell? That's what I use. Any sugguestions would be appreciated.
Comment by Anthony D. Frisolone on December 13, 2008 at 11:56
I can't believe that you don't have a back up system in place.

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