So I'm down to my last three packs of paper. So I go to Steno Doctor to buy another case.

I've been thinking about going paperless for a while now. But my ink ribbon is still good. I want to time it so that I run out of paper and ink at the same time, but that's never going to happen. While I'm there, they tell me Stenograph is going out of the paper business, which I vaguely remember getting an e-mail about them selling off that part of the business to Pengad or some other business entity. So in the meantime, until the price of paper is going to go up. A case is $65. OMG.

So I ask them, how much is it to get my machine set for paperless. Free. Hot diggety-dog. I've also been thinking about getting my machine shimmed.

how much to get it shimmed? Well, it's free with a maintenance. Well, since I haven't gotten my machine maintenanced since January 2006, I think it's time. So put my machine in for a maintenance and it will be set up to write paperless and shimmed.

I'm very excited. It will be like getting a brand new machine. I can hardly wait.

In the meantime, I might have a very nice paper tray for sale in the future.

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Comment by Kyung on June 3, 2009 at 7:02

So I got my overhauled machine yesterday. It was shimmed and now writes paperless. Whoo-hoo.

The technician told me that if I ever have to write manually that, because of the shimming, the spacing on the paper will be very narrow. Oh, well.

Anyhoo. Day one with me "new paperless" machined. We'll see how it goes.

The depth stroke is very shallow. I don't find that my vowels are that much further away from my consonant keys. Hopefully this will help with the tennis elbow and the wear and tear on the old bod.
Comment by April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR on May 22, 2009 at 18:19
As an added measure of safety, I have a 16 gig flash drive that I copy the day's job over to, the note file, the .ecl file, and the wave file. That flash drive goes into my purse when I'm done, never keep it with my equipment. I've had my trunk broken into before and now I'm extra cautious.
Comment by Kyung on May 22, 2009 at 16:40
I'm just a little nervous about back up. But I realized that I've never reproduced a transcript from my paper notes since I left school. I don't think I'm going to start now. I did buy a new box of ten floppies those.
Comment by April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR on May 22, 2009 at 15:58
I've been paperless for years and I'm glad I did it. You'll be glad, too.

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