No Texting in your car as you're driving as of January 1st, 2009

Come on, people!!

Is it me, or shouldn't this have been taken care of when they made it illegal to drive and talk on the cell phone at the same time w/out your hands-free bluetooth or headset?

It boggles my mind that people are out there on the freeway eating, drinking, talking on the phone, and texting all at the same time? Who are these multi-armed freaks of nature?

Granted, I have eaten in my car. I have had a drink or two while driving (all non-alcoholic). But usually not all at the same time. You'll usually end up showing up at your depos w/stains if not careful.

But seriously, do people need to be told not to text when driving? I can understand the talking while driving. I mean it's kind of like talking to a passenger in the car, especially w/the blue tooth. I don't know about you, but I take care of lot of business calls while I'm driving. Especially in light of the freeway traffic in SoCal. But texting?

By the way, I still see people driving around w/their phones glued to their heads.

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Comment by Patricia Babits on December 29, 2008 at 14:12
I am honest enough about my driving ability to know I can't multitask while driving. LOL
Comment by Jeannie Wright on December 29, 2008 at 14:05
I agree with you, Kyung. I had a friend's husband who was killed because he was driving, talking on the cell phone and LOOKING UP A PHONE NUMBER IN THE PHONE BOOK! We are so sad we lost him (and that was 11 years ago), but it should be illegal in every state (it's not in New Mexico, yet). Driving a car is serious business and I think it's okay to have a conversation with a headset or a hands-free set, but if it requires taking your concentration off the road, it can be lethal.

I used to live in Orange County (and don't regret leaving because of the commute), so I certainly understand returning your calls while sitting in that dreaded freeway pileup. In New Mexico, it's wide open spaces and you drive - and there is no such thing as stalled traffic in Roswell, so I don't think people should be on the phone. A lady just blew thru a very dangerous 4 way stop the other day - why? She was on her phone - thank heaven the other three of us were watching!
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on December 29, 2008 at 13:15
I completely agree with you Kyung.. I cant lie and say i haven't text people while driving, but I can tell you that I wont be doing it ever again (I haven't in a while now).
Comment by Patricia Babits on December 29, 2008 at 7:35
I think texting would be way more dangerous than talking on the phone.

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