Michael D. Chaney's Comments

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At 16:31 on July 24, 2008, DENISE C - CASE CATALYST SCOPIST said…
Michael, hi! Just wanted to squeeze in a quick note. Thank you so much for your thoughts and words concerning my sister and her family...I don't remember mentioning it, but obviously I must have. It's so great to be among caring professionals such as yourself...even in cyberspace...friends are friends!!!!
Regarding the Anaheim convention, I'm not able to be attend as I won't be in town -- I'll be up in Santa Barbara Sunday (my birthday)....imagine, me choosing THAT over spending the weekend at a convention??!! Sounds like a lot of reporters (as well as scopists) w/ whom I've come across are attending...and I'm jealous!!! Will have to look into the Vegas one....I don't have any info. on that. It would be great to meet up w/ our online friends, and yes, I will get a pic on here soon...I suppose...I just love this little baby girl pic that I have... : )
And I apologize for not getting back to you sooner....I am going to try to make it a habit to visit here more often...just realize that if you write me, I may not respond that same day but I WILL respond. K?
I hope you and all the others have a fantastic informative time in Anaheim... I'm sure you all will.
Talk w/ you soon, my friend ~
:~ Denise ~:
(and thanks for accepting my "friend" invite. It means a lot...)
At 8:42 on July 19, 2008, DENISE C - CASE CATALYST SCOPIST said…
Hello, Michael. God does work in mysterious ways....
My name's Denise and I just happened to visit CSR Nation this morning after not logging in for some time. I'd received a "friend request" from Nicolete. I of course accepted. She's got a beautiful web page. While reading through her page I came across your comments to her. I clicked on the link to your page. I have to be honest, reading what you've written, your poem and your list of 3 things, etc., I was very touched. Just wanted to let you know that your words have meant something to me and I intend to share them w/ others. Also...am sending YOU a friend request. If you feel inclined, please accept. I'd be honored if you do.
:~ Denise ~:
At 10:00 on July 10, 2008, Nicolete said…
And where have you been? I miss talking to you, Michael.
At 8:06 on July 8, 2008, Malinda said…
Thank you so much fro the warm welcome, me and nicolete attend the same school and have some of the same classes together, which is how I found out about CSRnation.

who would have thought that there were so many others out there going through what we have.
At 21:40 on June 26, 2008, Keva said…
Thank you very much for your encouraging words. I will look through the sites and see what I can find. Things are looking up these days. I will definately keep at it.

Thank you once again.
At 11:36 on June 10, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
I have left her a welcome message.
Thanks for inviting your friends!
At 11:18 on May 29, 2008, Nicolete said…

Don't mind my spelling today. LOL
I meant paste, that's, and it's Ctrl-V to paste. You know we, court reporters just have to be perfectionists.
At 11:14 on May 29, 2008, Nicolete said…

Michael... Click on Get your Webfetti right below my smiley game.
When you get to the site, click on Gidgets, then click on Games, then click on Characters and you'll see the game there. Then click on Copy Code, then Ctrl. V to past it to your page, and it will be there. Thats how you do all of the graphics. If you see something that you like, whether it be a picture, game, or glitter text, just click on it and it will take you to the site.

You can also save the glitter pictures and stuff to your computer and hit the picture window, second from your right in the comment box, find them by hitting browse, and then add them to your messages.

Have fun,

At 18:15 on May 27, 2008, Dawn M. said…
I don't know, I thought that if you had your RPR, you could anywhere because it's a national certification. I'll have to ask someone at my school.
At 11:08 on May 27, 2008, Dawn M. said…
Oh My Gosh, thanks so much for those kind words. :) I loved the stories, keep them coming. There very inspiring and I was laughing my head off!
At 5:26 on May 27, 2008, Dawn M. said…
No, thank you! One, for answering back so quickly. Second, because your answers are so thorough. I'm really learning a lot from you and I really do appreciate it. I love this site, it is very comforting to know there are workig reporters out here who really care and take the time to help us student reporters out. Thanks again. :)
At 19:52 on May 26, 2008, Dawn M. said…
WOW!! That was some check! LOL. And, yes you have answered my question thank you. Do you think that if your firm didn't have the scopists to do that, would you have been able to do 5 a week?
At 17:29 on May 19, 2008, Nicolete said…
Well hello...
Busy, are we? I've gotten used to talkin' to you everyday. Hit me up when you get a chance and let me know what the working world is like. I'm writing more to print, and I'm practicing at faster speeds. It's actually not bad.
At 10:27 on May 15, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Hi Michael,
Almost everyone has made the same mistake, its 100% my (our) fault.
Most people think they are responding to the comment by leaving a comment on their page, we copied (facebooks) way of responding to people, instead we should have went with (myspaces) way.
The problem now is to change this it will be very time consuming, time we sadly dont have.

But things to take comfort in:-
1- 90% of our users including one of the founders (kelli combs) did the exact same thing. Only facebook users knew what was going on.
2- This is an an going issue the people complain about.
3- I am the douche that implemented this style.

At 9:34 on May 15, 2008, Dawn M. said…
Hey whats up Me! LOL, I got your message and thanks for responding.

My name is Dawn but I sometimes use Diamond or Di as a sreen name. The reason I ask is because my aunt used to be an executive assistant and she typed 100 WPM, so I was just wondering if there were people who typed higher than that. I myself only type 65 WPM, but I think thats good enough. Talk to you lata.
At 0:25 on May 15, 2008, Elise Nock said…
Not a problem kiddo! It's all good. Very late, have been trying to get loose ends tied up. Talk to you later on! Elise
At 20:06 on May 14, 2008, Nicolete said…

Thanks for all of your help. I've started incorporating some of the techniques that you mentioned, and I'm feeling a lot better about my writing, now. I'm actually learning to let it come naturally, trusting in what I DO know and not so much what I don't know how to write more efficiently. I've decided to only take two days to learn and write new briefs and phrases with accuracy, and the rest of the week I want to just go for speed. Wish me well; I have about four to five more weeks to get my Q&A and Lit. tests passed.
At 16:05 on May 14, 2008, Keva said…
Thank you for posting on my page. I'm looking forward to learning all I can about this new career. At times it seems daunting. With this new network, I'm sure I will recieve the encouragement I need.
At 16:05 on May 14, 2008, Javari Judon said…
Hey how is it going, I know I have been of of here for a little bit, hopefully not too long. I have been busy, busy, busy trying to get these last test passes of the quarter. I am so anxious to see what it is like working as a reporter.LOL
At 20:28 on May 12, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Kelli and I really wanted to get a booth, sadly neither of us have the time.
I just launched my new project and am sadly so overwhelmed.
I wanted to video tape the whole event and post it on CSRnation.
Maybe we can still do it, not sure.

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