Clay Frazier's Comments

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At 15:48 on June 10, 2009, Matthew said…
I officially got called today and was told that I was approved to start pro teming, however the court reporters office was just told yesterday that they cannot use pro tems until further notice because of the budget and probably because of Arnold. So as soon as they are able to use pro tems again, I'll be working with them. It really sucks. I'll just have to freelance till the time comes. Hopefully it will all blow over once this ER thing is voted down!
At 15:34 on June 10, 2009, Matthew said…
Hey, Clay! Are you still pro teming? San Diego was just told they can't use pro tem reporters until further notice, and I just got hired.
At 6:43 on June 9, 2009, Christine Kirley said…
I feel so out of the loop! We were at the beach when you posted your funny photo and I couldn't get it to come up on my iPhone. I clicked on the link you have posted here on CSR Nation and got "Not found." Could you forward it to me at Or forward the link? I am so curious now.

Sounds like you're busy. Good for you. Are you liking court or depos? Still have time to skateboard too?

Megan has one more 200 and then her qualifier. Shooting for the Oct. CSR.

Waiting in anticipation for your response :)
At 6:14 on June 9, 2009, Debbie Gentile said…
LOL...oh, well, I hear it's beautiful there too! :0)
Congratulations on rocking the test!
At 23:17 on June 8, 2009, Debbie Gentile said…
Hey Clay,
Are you seriously in Mozambique! If so, I think we're neighbors!!! I hear it is beautiful there!
At 10:27 on June 4, 2009, Tami said…
Dear Magnum Steno Fan Club Member,

You are being addressed in the group, and a few of the members would appreciate a response.

Thank you sincerely for your time and attention to this matter.

At 20:10 on May 28, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
You say it's cutting off some letters. I think it's because you're clicking on Adjustable before you've given the field size a number. First click on field size and give it a 25 or something. Then click on adjustable.

You have to remember that what you see BEFORE you fill out the fields doesn't count. For example, my caption page has a place for the Day of the week, Month and Day. However before it's filled in, it takes up three lines. No biggie. When filled in, it's one.

They're like this: Ctrl A to make the field. Field label DAY - Field size: check Adjustable - Variable weekday - Use list file - I browsed to my YWeekday. All my include files start with a Y. If I want it always capitalized, I put a check mark there.

My month is Field label DEPOMONTH - size X Adjustable - Variable - DEPOMONTH - Use YMonth

My DEPODAY is similar.

Where I have a check by Last field is when I want my filling in to stop so I can make an adjustment of some kind. I don't use Right flush contents. I do use Delete line if empty often. Like where I have my
{This is a field that is adjustable and says Delete line if empty and last field}(NO EXHIBITS MARKED)

If there ARE exhibits, when I land on it (by pressing Ctrl E to fill it in) I press enter and the whole line disappears. If I have no exhibits, I fill it in with a letter and then I backspace to delete that letter so all that remains is this: (NO EXHIBITS MARKED) Then I fill in my next field by pressing Ctrl E.

This is so complicated when you write it down. If I had your email, I could email you my files. My brain is fried after today. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, call support. I have no idea what your fields need to look like. Good luck!
At 18:20 on May 28, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
Clay, I just got home. I took one of the absolute worst depos in 32 years!!! More on that later. I don't know about my email issue it's really

Anyway, my fields work out fine so when I go downstairs later tonight, I'll look at them and let you know. Maybe you called support in the meantime???

At 8:51 on May 28, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
You can't ever open a .mac file. They can only be imported. Look, I don't want to stress you out, but if you export it to your desktop, when you give it the name, it will automatically add the .mac to it. Then don't open it. Just get in your email, write me, attach that CLAYMACRO.mac and hit send. If it doesn't work, forget about it. I would really like to talk to you about this one day, however! No worries! I'm going to the chiropractor this morning and I have a depo this afternoon. I tell you this as a friendly reminder to take your stretching breaks!!! Don't be like I was 30 years ago so you end up having to rehab yourself later. I really appreciate your effort - I'm not kidding.
At 8:33 on May 28, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
If you're exporting the macro, it would be CLAYMACRO.mac The include/bock file would be an .ecl file.

I just got online - normally I'm up much later!
At 17:07 on May 27, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
When you get into the macros and you see the whole bunch of them on the right side, you select the one you want to export. When you click export, you export it to a certain place. Like the desktop. You have to give it a name. Then when you get into your email, you click on attach and browse to the desktop and select it. That should do it. I hope it works - I really appreciate you trying!
At 14:25 on May 27, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
I'm a bit dense. Is your new macro anything like inserting the blurb for (Record Read) while writing? Is it an actual .ecl file or did you make a RT macro only? I'm really curious now and want to know!!! Do you have time to email it to me?
At 12:18 on May 27, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
Ha! I was just thinking to myself I think I totally misunderstood what you wanted to accomplish. But what I posted is good info. I'm wondering how you really have your files set up. I'll blab more later. I'm going downstairs now to finally turn my working computer on. That's great you've got it working. Now I want to know what you've done. Maybe we all need a macro like that! Export it and email it to me when you get a chance!!! Oh, I know you're busy!
At 12:08 on May 27, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
See, it deleted what I wrote in there! You'll have to check out the definition in the Total Eclipse Group if you can't remember it.
At 12:08 on May 27, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
Okay. You have created an ecl file called something lilke WSWORN and it's located in your folder full of other short block files such as (Record read.) And in your User setting/advanced/block files, you have browsed exactly where your block folder is in your ini that you realtime from and your ini that you edit from. If you use different ones. And your steno stroke is SWORN/SWORN and your definition for that is similer to mine that I posted because the formatting of this site wrecks it. I don't have my eclipse key so I can't check it! Something like (

If this doesn't help, you must call support. I think it's a super easy fix. Don't waste your time on it. This is what we pay them for. Or call me.
At 11:41 on May 27, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
Do you mean a stroke that will do some kind of editing function while writing in realtime? Like the ones Keith did that are in the realtime kit? Actually, I don't know how to do those. I've just taken the ones he has.

I do know how to do regular editing macros that are performed by pressing a keyboard key.

What kind of RT macro do you think you want to do? Have you downloaded the kit? I'm home all day if you're near a phone. Call me at 831 338-0635 or email me at and give me your phone and I can call you as I have a flat rate.
At 11:25 on May 16, 2009, Candice said…
You gotta send me that Splash Mountain Pic! I think Candice getting soaked is an understatement.. you're lucky I blocked you:)
We can finish 16 slices of pizza no prob! :0
At 10:05 on May 8, 2009, Matthew said…
I've been consistent with work, but it has been a little slow! I'm getting inpatient and want to get into court. I might be pro teming in San Deigo if all goes well. If not, maybe I'll relocate out there. Haha! How much is the per diem rate where you are?
At 21:44 on May 6, 2009, Matthew said…
Hey, Clay! How's pro teming in court? Are they keeping you busy?
At 14:22 on May 3, 2009, Candice said…
I can't believe I know a famous person!hahaa sorry I can't get over when you said that. You should use that one more often.

Next time we go to Target I'll try not to add another 10 miles :)

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