Angela McPherson's Comments

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At 8:41 on February 17, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Hey, you are doing really well! That's great! I would love to be at 120! Yeah, all the dictation is boring and repetitious, but apparently it helps to keep repeating it. The only other thing you could do is buy some dictation cd's off ebay or something and incorporate those - I don't know what else.

Keep up the good work and life will settle down! It will be okay! Hope your family gets better and your child - it's upsetting when the kids are sick!
At 23:58 on February 12, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Actually I had pneumonia - the TV just said flu as i was typing - so am I a reporter or what?
At 23:57 on February 12, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Hi! Wasn't ignoring you - I've been sick with the flu for a month! So, you are losing focus - I need to read the comments to your blog --

How to help? I don't know how to answer that - I know that the only cure for all our ills in school is practice - nothing comes without the practice! I think that one other thing you could do is go to all the wonderful help pages out there on the net and just read, try the different practice tips, try to stay inspired.

the other thing I think would be good is to try and find out WHAT you are frustrated about -- is it because you are weak in areas of theory; is it because you find your mind wanders; is it because you are fatiguing in your shoulders; is it because your fingering is unsure? See if you can pinpoint where it is that you are so disappointed about and then spend one week specifically addressing that problem and see if it doesn't perk up your outlook -- those are some of the things that work for me -- let me know how you do. What speed are you on? And who's your instructor - (that was a biggie for me)
At 8:58 on January 7, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Well, I think having the same professor in both classes would be great but a little confusing - I would have to watch my time closely so I didn't get confused!

I have anatomy and physiology, for which I can't open the lesson plan -- I have to buy a key code -- but that's okay. Steno? I haven't had the chance to touch my writer in the last two days - We started a trial and, no matter how many pre-trials you have, the lawyers never pony up with an honest answer on how long it's going to take. They tell you 2 days and it takes 4 -- so, we had to work late the last two nights because we have another trial starting today - (out for a break during voir dire right now). Hopefully, I will get started on that tonight. I have a long row to hoe as they say....
At 8:44 on January 7, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
I had Ms. Moss for my CaseCatalyst class - she is awesome - and so knowledgeable about CASE. You will enjoy her. Write those keys off, girl!
At 16:52 on January 6, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Hello Angela,
I have started a new group for Wisconsin, make sure you join it.

Keep in mind that it will take a while before agencies and other reporters join it, sadly, till then you have to give it some time.
At 14:29 on January 6, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Oh~! I forgot to ask you who you have for speed this semester?!
At 14:18 on January 6, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Oh.....and you even cropped it! You'll be a geek in no time! LOL!
At 14:16 on January 6, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Hey, Angela! You got your photo fixed! Glad the computer thing worked out!
At 8:49 on January 6, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Angela, I just noticed that you are not part of any "Cover Depo" groups... at this point the fact that you are getting any offers is puzzling me.

sorry, can you tell me what city, state are the offers are coming from.

to join your local "cover depo" go here.
At 22:18 on January 5, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Are you replying to the offer by clicking "reply" to the email you receive??
if so then that's the problem
You must reply to the email provided in the email.. or simply calling the number also provided in the email offer.

Did i make any sense? let me know if you still have any more questions.
At 13:43 on January 2, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Hey - just curious - did you ever get your laptop up and running and did the Dell thing turn out okay?

Class postings are up - I hope you have a great semester!
At 10:20 on December 31, 2008, Jeannie Wright said…
At 9:50 on December 31, 2008, Jeannie Wright said…
Hi, Angela! It works just like MySpace. It's easy - just comment back on the threads - you will find so much at this site - I can't rate it highly enough - if you have a question, SOMEONE here can answer it and they are all so knowledgeable.

Have a great New Year!
At 8:01 on December 31, 2008, Jeannie Wright said…
Hi, Angela! I saw your name on Chrissy's page -- didn't know you were on here! Hope you're having great holidays! How are you?! You promoted, didn't you?! Well done! I'm taking a break from practice as we speak. Who did you get for next quarter - do you know?

Hit me back and Happy New Year!
At 14:13 on November 13, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
Dear Angela; Just got your last message. You don't talk much, huh? Well, maybe it's that I talk too much. Anyhow, your last response and the apology, what did that mean? Were you saying that because I'm in California, you must have forgotten and you take back your question to me? Remember, I didn't know what you were talking about and I still don't Anyhow, if that's it, okay; but tell me, okay? Also, about your speeds, did you read the advice & knowledge I wrote about that? If so or if not, let me know because I CAN help you with that. I'm now a mentor and I have two girls about ready to pass the CSR & it's up to me to push them over the top & that's exactly I'm gonna do. Take care & answer back, okay? Peace out.
At 11:50 on November 13, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
Hello, Dear Angela;
Yes, I most certainly DO remember you. I've been waiting for a long time for your reply. I'm still anxiously awaiting the results of your assignment you turned in based on the interviews you did, especially concerning mine. You were to get back to me. And you say I probably don't remember you? How could I ever forget you. I was serious about helping you. Now, about your latest request. Remember I'm in California. So, when you ask me about helping you out there and the field out there, what are you speaking of? I.E. for example? What are you looking for? I don't understand; sorry. I hope to answer your question soon after you clarify, okay? Bless you and good to hear from you again. Don't be a stranger, okay?
At 12:24 on November 4, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
If you would like to receive scopist/proofreading job offers make sure you add "scopist" and "proofreader" under your profession by clicking on edit then selecting the boxes.
all that does is put you in the scopist search and send you job offers from reporters when they use the "send a job offer to all scopist"
At 13:29 on August 31, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
My Dear new friend,
Yes, I got your message/questionnaire. Let me know that you got the response. I just did it and sent it off. I sent myself a copy but I haven't received it yet. I wonder if it was too bit. YOU do please let me know, okay? Thank you for the honor.
At 13:50 on August 29, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
Well, hello, Pretty-One;
Answering questions to students? That's my specialty. You need to visit my site and investigate my friends and see what all the advice I've given them. I'm sure it'll help you, too. How long you been in school? I won't waste too much of your time, but I found you inquiring and wondered how you missed me! But I do understand, so many; just haven't gotten to me yet, but I found you. In fact, I think I'll invite you to be my friend. By the way -- well, I should just let you read my site about me and it'll tell you, but I'll tell you now anyway: I was a single father of four, my little girl was 7 months old and my oldest a 3rd grader when I passed my state exam. You should read the stories I have. You can do it too, and if you need help, I'll be here for you. Take care and I hope I get the honor of being your friend. Until I hear from you, I remain, Me.

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