Welcome to CSR Nation
Time: March 12, 2009 at 9pm to March 26, 2009 at 7pm
Location: See link
Phone: 1-800-272-NCRA
Event Type: march, 2009, teletraining, series, practical, english
Organized By: NCRA
Latest Activity: Mar 11, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Appropriate Use of Quotation Marks and Paragraphing in Transcripts
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Numbers and Apostrophes
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Capitalization and Abbreviations
About the Seminars
The Appropriate Use of Quotation Marks and Paragraphing in Transcripts
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Court Reporters frequently question when to use quotation marks in transcripts. Is it what he really said? Did she quote the document accurately? And how do I set that out in my transcript? Learn the appropriate English rules, and then how they apply to court reporting.
Another question asked by reporters is “What do I do with that three-page answer? The second part of the seminar will review how and when you should paragraph those very long questions and answer.
Numbers and Apostrophes
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Was that three 20-gallon tanks or was that 320 gallon tanks? How do numbers affect how we write and what we write, and how do we distinguish numbers written out and numbers spelled out in transcripts. (Just remember, this is an English class and not a writing class.)
Also this class will talk about the many uses of the apostrophe: possessives, omissions and uses for clarification.
Capitalization and Abbreviations
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A review of when to capitalize titles and subtitles; headings, titles of respect and types of names; nouns, verbs and adjectives derived from names of people nations, cities or trade names; military titles; academic degrees. Additionally, we will review when to abbreviate, what can be abbreviated, and the appropriate way to abbreviate spoken abbreviations.
You will earn .15 CEUs for participating in each seminar. You can earn an additional .15 additional CEUs by successfully completing a home study exam on each of the seminars (successful completion is based on receiving a score of 70%).
Meet Your Presenter
Marianne Cammarota has been a court reporter for 28 years. She has been involved in testing since 1986 in New Jersey and is currently the Chairperson of the NJ State Board of Court Reporting. She has also been involved with testing with NCRA since 1995 and was on NCRA's Test Advisory Committee and Realtime Committee. She is currently Chair of the Council of the Academy of Professional Reporters (CAPR).
Here’s How to Participate
Participation is easy-you need a telephone and 90 minutes of your day. The evening(s) of the seminar(s), you will dial a toll-free number, which will be provided to you with your registration confirmation(s). An operator will ask you for your name and your NCRA ID number, and within a short period of time, you will be connected to the seminar. Each seminar will last for 90 minutes. You and your fellow court reporters will have an opportunity to ask our presenters questions. Handout materials and the toll-free telephone numbers will be e-mailed to you prior to the seminar, with your registration confirmation.
Register for Just $237 For All Three Seminars
Register for all four seminars for only $237 for NCRA-members. If you don’t want to register for all three seminars, the cost per seminar is $89 for NCRA-members.
Register early to secure your spot by calling 800/272-NCRA (6272) or by clicking the registration link below!
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