Usually I go to seminars locally but I am venturing out and am wondering if anyone from around the San Fernando Area is going to Sonoma in February,


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I'm going to the convention, and I live near Pasadena. But my boyfriend and I are driving up Friday and making it a Valentine's Day weekend, driving back Monday probably. So anyone is welcome to drive up with us, but they'd probably have to find an alternative way home.

what a great site for a Valentine's Day weekend. Thanks, for the offer. I'll probably end up flying up ... I'll look for you on Saturday. (I'm also a redhead ... kinda :)
Hey, Lauri. Glad to see your face online. I dropped the ball. My apologies. I know you emailed me through DRA and didn't get back to you. It's been hectic, trying to prepare for the next DRA board meeting, convention, etc.

I am sooooo glad to see you're going. I'm going on Wednesday. Doing some wine tasting on Thursday, and visiting the Luther Burbank Gardens. I hope to see you on Friday!! Nice to see you.
I will be at the convention, definitely. I will be arriving mid-afternoon on Friday. If you let me know you're here, I can introduce you around. It really looks like a great program. I have been lobbying for years for more Depo Dilemma type programs -- I would be perfectly satisfied with an entire weekend in which the founders of DRA just talked about reporting! -- and that is happening. Definitely go. Rohnert Park is not my idea of a dream destination, but you're not too far from some great Sonoma County beaches, not to mention redwoods.
Hi, Lauri,
I am not planning to attend this particular DRA seminar, though I've served on the board a couple of years and their seminars are always worth the money, well attended, and well thought out. I don't think you will be disappointed. Many, many great people on the board and helping with every aspect of the seminar.

I live in Ontario, California, and work pretty much all over So. Cal. strictly as a freelance LiveNote reporter.

You should definitely meet Marla, she will keep you informed locally as well :)
Aw, Reagan, you're not coming? Well, maybe I'll see you on January 27th at the SoCal CSR Outing in Hollywood??? I hope, I hope.
Can't get motivated to travel at the moment, just drove over 3,000 miles at Christmas, and had a couple of trips prior to that. Went to Santa Barbara yesterday for work, so just tired of living out of my suitcase at the moment :)

Definitely planning to spend the four days at National in Anaheim though in July and get ALL my points at once :)

Got your invite for the 27th. I'm hoping I can make that work :)
Thank you for all your work for all of us!


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