
I just wanted to let everyone know that there is going to be a new court reporting school opening up in West LA area. The owner is a former court reporter anf FO in Massachusetts. She had three schools in Massachusetts.

She plans on opening 4 schools in California - 2 in Los Angeles, one in San Diego, and one in NoCal. She doesn't plan on getting certified by the NCRA, but she is working on getting certified/approved by the Court Reporter's Board.

If anyone is interested or knows anyone who is interested in going to court reporting school, let me know.

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Hi Kyung!

Any word on the school in Northern CA? I'm asking as a former student and not as a Barkley employee!

I think they're working on the school in Los Angeles, getting it up and running.
I heard about this a few months ago and called the lady who's starting the school just to find out. She said her schools back east teach Digitext theory and use recorded dictation, and at that time she planned the same for the new school.

Laura B.


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