There is a huge post on the Total Eclipse (Advantage) website with this issue. So I just wanted to stir the pot over here.

For me it started one rainy summer's nght. J/K.

Really, I had never had any freezing issues my realtime until the latest. And then I would be writing, then all of a sudden my realtime would stop scrolling. Sometimes it would start up again and sometimes it wouldn't. AAARRGGGHHH. I did get a new laptop in December of 2006, but this started happening July of last year.

I think Eclipse thinks it's some kind of issue where the serial-to-usb connection is timing out so that Eclipse is no longer getting a feed. They're saying if you've got a serial to serial connector from your writer to your laptop, then you shouldn't be having this issue. Unfortunately, my laptop only has usb. I've had a pcmcia card (Socket) before. But when my old computer crashed bec. of Trojan virus and had to be taken back to spec, I could never get the d#$m, friggin', card to work again. Socket also has the worst technical service ever bar none. Anyway, back to the main issue of the post.

I am currently on Eclipse, which is the release version, not dev. I have not had any problems so far. Knock on wood. So for those of you out there who are having freezing problems, there is a light for now. But if those problems continue, you should definitely call tech support, post. The more noise you make, the more info they have to fix it.

And also, this is to let you know that you are not the only one with this problem.

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Just as in another time and place, you've brought out the bully hall monitor in me, Derigitable. :) Only, this time it's in the other direction.

IMO, it's not terse that you've been here; it's actually insulting. To know the difference, one suggestion is to try to think about our feelings and the way we'd take your suggestion here that we are neurotic complainers who would rather "suffer" than be able to do our job well. Hopefully, you didn't intend it that way. :)

You say, "But nobody has gone over to the Advantage Web site, not one single person here." This is something you couldn't possibly know unless you were Kreskin. Is there something you're not telling us about your identity? :)

Anyway, Kyung implied in her very first post that she'd been there. How else would she know there was a huge discussion there? And you can see her there too, down on page 2 of the discussion. I've also been to the site. I can tell you that the very first two comments in the discussion talk about the freeze occurring both wirelessly and with a PCMCIA card, as well as one comment toward the end. How then can you possibly blame us for continuing to look for an answer?

You go on to say, "The user hasn't even bothered to understand what Advantage's solution is." My goodness, there's such judgment there. I'm going to date myself again and say you sound a little like the Church Lady. :) Couldn't it possibly be that the user simply doesn't understand what Advantage's solution is?

Does Advantage have a statement of that solution somewhere that you could point us to, that takes into account the fact that some people still have the issue with a PCMCIA card? Or could you provide that statement, as Kyung asks? That would probably be more helpful than insulting us. :)

You say Chuck's issue was with his computer. That's good to hear. Could you point us to that discussion as well? As I mentioned earlier, I lost track of where that was brought up.

Thank you.
So basically you're saying that the answer for everyone is to switch to a pcmcia serial adapter or to connect wirelessly.

Of course it is possible that not everyone is having the same problem and that's why it's always good for everyone to post their individual experience. But, of course, I'm sure that is just crazy talk.
D, I never said we posted comments on the Advantage site. Why then would you post links that have no comments? I said we had gone over there. That was your term that I was responding to in kind.

Now, maybe you meant to originally say "posted" instead of "gone over," but you didn't say that. It doesn't seem reasonable to hold us accountable to know the words you meant to use rather than the words you did use. :)

As far as your website link that I posted, as I said at the time, the website owner "seems very knowledgeable and has some great tips." I didn't say, and, with all due respect, don't meant to say, it is the end-all fount of authoritative information on every subject it covers.

Marge, I think you raised an interesting point with your reference to the JCR article. You also gave me a laugh, with your "trouble" with the name. :)

Monti, I really appreciate your wanting to set a respectful tone here on CSRNation.

Defrigerate, degribitate, degurjable, who can keep 'em straight!

Marge Teilhaber CSR RDR
Fort Lee NJ
Derigitable, are you suggesting that people should not post here when they have a question, issue or just simply wanting to vent?
Also, I am troubled by your identity, you have no picture of yourself, your "about me" section leaves a lot to be desired not to mention you have only participated in this thread since you have joined. (I hope you can see where I am coming from)
Frankly I see a lot of red flags, However, I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now just because I never like to delete or ban people that try or want to help.
you might very well be a nice person that likes to give heavy handed, unintentionally rude but helpful advice.
I ask you to please respect our members and at the same time feel free to speak your mind.
I thank you.

Page 11 of the February JCR says it all. In particular, "anonymous poster" is addressed. I agree with it all. This applies to everyone, not just derigitator or whatever the name he/she/they is using. The February edition is not online yet. Mark Golden wrote a really good piece. Without knowing who someone is, we have no way to evaluate what they have to say. It could be 10 people contributing to one post. Hey, maybe it's the entire Eclipse support staff getting together to post as defibritator. Yes, that's it. I just figured it out. OK, puzzle solved.

Marge Teilhaber CSR RDR
Fort Lee NJ
I agree 100% and I want to assure you we wont let this go un-checked.
I am sitting here like a hawk, watching and hovering around threads and pages making sure creepers are caught and squashed immeditaly.
Everyone is welcome to say what ever they want to say "IF" they can satisfy their identity. (people tend to be nicer when everybody knows who they are)
I have been doing this for a long time and I can tell you in less then 30 seconds if someone is who they say they are. For example, your identity is 100% satisfactory and meets every single requirement that says you are who you say you are and that you are here in good faith to network and have a good time.
If people want to join this site, not add a picture and not say much about who they are, thats fine but once they start participating in the site is when I start hovering around them, they worry me the most, especially when they are argumentative and rude.
So, When some no name, no info person comes in here and starts bothering established users like Kyung and Lisa O they are begging to get canned.
However, if that person had an established identity I would have begged everyone to take easy or at the very extreme I would have just closed the thread.
I have been sitting by watching all of this and only want to say that each time I have called Eclipe support with this issue they have never once told me what they understand to be the universal problem and fix. So why did they keep me on the phone for six hours trying to figure out the problem and not tell me right off the get-go that "Hey, this is the problem." And obviously we all don't know the answer and sites like this give us all an opportunity to exchange with each other our experiences and what we have learned.

So I don't know about ya'll but I still don't have a "clear" answer but with the help and support of the majority of the people here will eventually find it. Technology is ever-evolving and there is no way we all can keep up.
so with that said on my part, thank you to everyone here who has shared your knowledge with me.
As I was once told, knowledge is like a gift, once it's given to you, you then can decide if you want to keep it. There are many gifts here that I will keep, just not all.

I ignore anonymous posters. If I can't meet you at a convention, then I don't want to know you. The only way to do that is to know first and last name. As Mark Golden's dad said, "People who won't sign their true names to their public statements are either cowards or liars or both." And he goes on, "The cloak of anonymity allows the poster to fabricate a totally baseless foundation for the argument they want to make and present it as fact." This is a direct quote from page 11 of the February JCR, Mark Golden's piece entitled "Does the Online Emperor Have No Clothes," a really good article that articulates perfectly how I feel about the matter.

Nice little forum you've created here, Monti. This is your baby, right? Or is it Marla's? I've lost track.

Marge Teilhaber CSR RDR
Fort Lee NJ
(because I want people to approach me to say hi at a convention!)
A day without freezing is like a day *with* sunshine!

Hey, no freezing yesterday! Just checking in and passing along this info in case it helps.

There were two things I had changed:

1. Power management settings to the USB root hubs. The website I referenced earlier described menu choices that didn't match what I was seeing on my screen. But that website acted as a starting point by giving me the idea, which I then searched for at the Advantage website. And there I found a comment that gave menu choices that did match. Ctrl+F "Cindy" to find it.

2. Made sure my wireless radio was turned off, as Peter suggested earlier. That sounds obvious, I know, but I thought I'd done it before and still had the problem, so I had moved off of it as a fix.

I'll post back after about a week with an update.
4 jobs in a row with no freezing!


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