Hello Everyone,

I'm am researching schools that have an online/distance learning program in court reporting. I am strongly leaning toward Penn Foster and just wanted to get opinions and/or experiences people have had with the school.

Thank you!

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For those who want to learn realtime court reporting online, I'm offering a tutoring program for beginners with the StenEd method.


No need to spend thousands of dollars to enter the field. I answer all inquiries promptly.

Go to the National Court Reporters Association website and look for approved court reporting programs. I went to Brown College in Atlanta. They do have a distance learning program. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the information on some other schools, I'll definitely check into both of those programs.

You may want to check out Sage College. We have distance learning, and we are fully accredited by the state and NCRA. We have three campuses; Moreno Valley, San Diego and Online. Having been a working reporter for 25 years, I am now teaching realtime, advanced computer and transcript preparation at the Moreno Valley campus. Give us a look-see. I think you'll be glad you did. Best of luck!
Hi Dan,
I was wondering if you had any advice for me. I just moved back to Florida after living in California. I love it there but, moved back home with my family to attend school.

As soon as I have completed court reporting school I plan on returning back to San Diego. I have found a school close to my home Key College in Dania, FL which is also state and NCRA approved.

Do you think a distance learning program is equally as educationally affective? I have researched your schoool previously. I am just not sure if attending a school in FL when my goal is to prepare myself to take the California state test.

Any advice would be helpful as I can't wait to get back to California. I have no problem investing the time in my education as I want to be good at my craft. Although I want to get back to Cali as soon as possible.

Any advice?
TY in advance!
I have four months left until I'm done with my court reporter training with Penn Foster. Generally, the material hasn't been too difficult. Learning the theory get easier as time goes by, it's the speed that's taking me a little longer to master. The book work part goes a lot faster. I'm getting close to taking my first proctored exam, you do have to find an approvied proctor before they'll send the exam. The work is done one your own, and it just takes motivation to keep studying, sometimes I need nudging. But it's only repetition that gets me anywhere. Penn Foster is pretty quick about getting your material to you in a timely manner. And they do include a new 400 SRT. But I found out the hard way that once you've paid enough of your tuition, that you have to actually call and tell them that you're ready to have the machine sent to you. That's not written down anywhere that I noticed. But anyway, pleased with Penn Foster, and hope to be working SOON.
Let me know if you decide to go with them, I've not met anyone else yet that has.

Vicki M.


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