Hello, Stenovations users

I am a court reporter who is a digitalCAT trainer and Stenovations representative. I will be happy to answer any/all of your questions here.

Greta Duckett

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I don't think you can print your global table.

Go to Edit, then choose Apply Globals. Is this the table you're talking about?
I'm not sure why your translation would lag after a long break. It doesn't happen after a 10-15 minute break, only long breaks?

But try this. At lunchtime, go to Translator, and choose Stop Translation. Don't close the file. When you're ready to start back up again, go to Translator, Start Translation.
Yes, you can close down and re-open a file, then click on Translator, Start Translation, and you will start up again.

I still am trying to figure out your original question. What kind of writer do you have? And have you called support? One more thing, what build are you on?

Greta, are you also a sales rep for the Lightspeed writer?
Hey, Greta, I just switched computers. Is there a way to copy my "insert appearance" file over? That's the box that has all my attorneys in it, as I'm sure you already know.

To copy your appearance file, go to Windows Explorer from your Transcript Editor (Tools, Window Explorer). When WE opens, it will be in your Transcripts folder. Go up one folder to your main DigitalCAT folder. The file is called Firms, and its type is APC. Copy that to your thumb drive, or whatever media you're using to transfer files. Then paste that in your main DC folder on your new computer. It will overwrite the empty one on the new puter.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Greta!
Hi, Heather,
Yes, I am also helping sell the LS, and I have one (awesome red color!).
Feel free to post any questions or email me privately at ilovedigitalcat2@hotmail.com.

There is a way to change the layout, under Format, Paragraph, Edit Styles. It is a little complicated, and it's hard to figure out where your tab stops should be. I have been told that Stenovations is revamping the indexing and to hold on for a while until it is ready.

If this is something that is urgent and you have to have to comply with rules, etc., get them to do it! On page 308 of the manual, it says, Let us do it for you! Call (304)346-8363. They will have you send them a sample page of what you want. You will probably send them your existing default layout, and then they can make the changes in your layout for you and send it back.


I have several questions to ask about digitalCat and dictionary entries and I was wondering if I could privately email you or would you prefer me to ask them on the board?


email me at ilovedigitalcat2@hotmail.com. Probably would be easier.
I answered your email, but it was sent back to me as undeliverable. Here is the question and answer:
Q: I am not sure how to enter prefixes and suffixes in my dictionary in DigitalCat. How do you define a alphabet,
A: For prefixes and suffixes, enter the English in the English translation line, then check the prefix or suffix box under the Flags portion of a dictionary entry.

For your alphabet, each letter should be defined as the letter, then check the Attach Letters box under the Flags portion.
There is a little more work to do after you define each letter. You must go through your dictionary and delete finger-spelled acronyms, such as
for ER. The reason is because digitalCAT will think that ER is a word. Anytime you spell Herman letter by letter, it will look like this:

Any acronyms that you have a brief for (like TP AO EU B for FBI), leave in your dict. Just remove the finger-spelling. It can be an arduous process, but it will help you in the end.


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