You know you've all had them, the bad days when your fingers seem to be writing Chinese, when your translation rate is sky-high, when every other name is not English, when you've had equipment malfunctions. Here's an opportunity to share and give your fellow reporters a laugh.
I'll start it off. The other day I was trying to start my Livenote feed to the attorney. I was plugged in. The attorney's laptop was up and running but nothing was coming up. So I decided to change my serial-to-usb connector. I go to unscrew the serial connector and I pull it off. The connector part comes off, but the pin part stays in the computer. I'm thinking uh-oh. I've just ruined the attorney's laptop. I was able to pry the serial pin part from the attorney's computer using my fingernails and use another connector. I was able to get the feed going with a new connector.
What have I learned? Make sure your equipment is not falling apart.