I've been compiling a list of Windows and program shortcuts that are pretty handy. I've attached it here. It's a Word document.

If anyone knows of any other shortcuts, I'd love to hear them.

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Marla, that is so nice of you. I just printed them out. There are some goodies there. I don't have any to return at this point. I know a couple of good tricks in Eclipse if you are on it. Windows, I've just learned by doing over the years. I always thought I should have taken a class and never did. Thank you so much!
I'm on Eclipse too. I'm new to it. Just had it a few months. So sock it to me. I'm always looking for shorter ways to do everything.

I started a spreadsheet of Eclipse shortcuts, and I reworded some of them in different ways so I could find them depending on how my brain was working (or not working as is usually the case). I've attached it here.

Maybe you could take a look at it and give me some more suggestions. That'd be great. Thanks, Sue.
Holy cow! You have everything I have and more. Did I see the ctrl K to cap within global box? I love that one. You are amazingly organized! How do you do it?
Yeah, ctrl K to cap within a global box. And if you hit it again, it capitalizes the entire word or words, not just the first letter. Hit it again, and it goes back to uncapped. Eclipse rocks, huh?
WinKey+D to get back to desktop is one of my favorites that I learned last summer or fall. I downloaded a free WinKey program and I open all my high-use programs with WinKey+ a single letter, such as WinKey+T opens Total Eclipse. I get to depos and hit WinKey+T, WinKey+S, WinKey+Q to open Total Eclipse, LightSpeed, and my Brother Q-500 labelmaker. I can't use a mouse -- I'm totally disabled that way -- and vastly prefer using the keyboard to using the touchpad for things like this.

Your lists are so impressive, Marla. I'm pretty impaired when it comes to Word and Excel, along with mouses, I'm afraid. My computer use began with Xscribe back in the '80s. "Real" computers came much later, and I'm still much better at CAT than anything else. I can't use Word or any of those sorts of things without screaming and crying and giving up. The only thing I've been able to do with Excel is a jobs log. How in the world do you find the time to make such extensive lists???
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Windows key plus D for desktop shortcut! Fantastic!

I prefer using the keyboard too. I hate using the mouse. Too time-consuming. I put a shortuct in the Windows Start menu for all my favorite programs. Then I just have to hit the first letter of the name, and it goes right to it. But I like your WinKey program deal. How do I find that? Got a link you can share?

Your compliments are sweet. Thanks. When I think about it, the list-keeping is a little time-consuming; but it's not really that bad when you do a little at a time.

The brief list I have wakes me up at night. I'll think of a brief at 3:00 a.m. and run and put it on my spreadsheet. I know, I'm insane. If I hear something on TV or the radio and think of a brief for it, I write it down immediately or record it on my little digital recorder I keep in my purse.

I LOVE Excel. There's so much I don't know about it, though. I'd love to find the time to take a class and learn all those formulas. I've got a handful of formulas down, but that's it.

I do my job sheet in Excel, and it calculates how much money I should be getting. I've attached it here in case you're interested.

Hey, do you use the labelmaker for exhibits?
Try this one. http://www.sharetool.com/Utilities/Mouse_Keyboard/WinKey_11286.html
I don't remember exactly where I got it, but it is this WinKey by Copernicus Technologies. It has some preassigned keys and then a whole bunch of them empty just waiting for assignment.

I do use the labelmaker for exhibits. They look so nice! Extra bulk, but I have room in my roller bag since switching to the LS. I even got it and everything else to fit into Rhoda's bag, but it was so heavy, I decided to stick to two bags.

I don't have Excel, actually; I use OpenOffice because it's free and I don't really use these programs much. I looked at your sample job sheet -- and my head is already hurting; trying to make that would make it hurt more! lol My jobs sheet has date, witness, atty, app time, billed, orders and billed. With all our holds, when and whether they've been ordered is a big deal. It already fills up my screen. I probably use too big a font. I should try to figure out how to do the calculation function. It would help me out a lot since I'm trying to dump my Quickbooks and have been figuring on a calculator. ICK!

So much to do!! :)
:::bowing at Brenda's feet::: WinKey+D is to die for!!

:::bowing at Marla's feet:::: OMG! I can put commas in a string of numbers by merely hitting the letter N!!!!

I can't handle this. It's almost too incredible for me!!!!


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