Love my new Diamante so far, but would love some matching key pads. Any suggestions?

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I use the leather key pads from Depo Book. They fit the Diamante great, and it's the most comfortable touch. Now that I found these pads, I'll never get anything else.
Quick question, I haven't heard of key pads until now. Do you have to push the keys harder?

Not at all, Chris. They prevent slipping on the keys and cushion the touch so that it's more comfortable.
Yes, Ilove to have cushions on my keys, too. Also I have a few trouble spots where I double up on the key to make it easier to hit. LIke my "A" key. For some reason, my thumb misses it, so instead of "like" I get "alike" etc.

I'll check out Depo Book now. Thanks!


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