I have been trying to hook up a new writer (used but new to me) to my Vista computer and cannot get the laptop to register the writer. Has anyone else had this problem before? If I get the new Windows 7 upgrade will that fix the problem? And this is just trying to set up using the cable that came with the writer.

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Do you have a CD for the drivers for the Mira? Try the following:

Right click on Computer
Then click on Properties
Click on Device Manager
Look for the Mira -- If it didn't install properly, it probably has an exclamation point with a yellow background beside it. It may say Unknown Device. Once you find it, click on it. Then click on the Driver tab up at the top. Click on Update Driver, then Browse my computer, then put in the letter of the drive for your CD. For example: d:\
Then it will look on the CD for the driver.

What CAT software are you using?
I did the above and I can't find any "Mira" or "Stenograph" or unknown devices. I think it didn't even try to read the drivers. I originally put the CD in first and it tells me that it can't find any drivers on the CD. And I also have the Soleil wireless kit that came with it, but it's also only got drivers up to Windows XP so it's no help either. So I am going to have to try to get these Mira drivers installed somehow so I can use the cord that came with the machine. I am on Eclipse. Any further ideas to help me try something else would be appreciated.
I have a Mira and Vista on my Vaio. I hook up using the Bluetooth on the computer and a Bluetooth dongle I purchased from Stenograph with the machine. I've also been able to hook up using a USB-USB connection that I purchased at Fry's (it's not your ordinary USB cord. It's upgraded to be faster. "Gold" standard, I think).
You can download the A-3 drivers @ http://www.stenograph.com/marcom/downloads/mira/miraA3.htm

scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says:
élan Mira USB Drivers
Size: 16K xxDate: 05-08-2007
This file contains the USB drivers for the élan Mira. Unzip this file to C:\TEMP. When you insert the élan Mira USB cable, specify a location and select the C:\TEMP directory to install the drivers.

When you plug in the USB cable, windows should detect new hardware and ask where you want to install the drivers from. If you're not prompted, try rebooting. When asked, choose specify a directory and select the directory you unzipped the drivers to.
Hi, Patricia.

I see you're on Eclipse.

The direct USB connection to a Mira only works with Case Catalyst and Eclipse ... and the only reason it works with Eclipse is because Advantage Software reverse-engineered Stenograph's USB communications protocol when their (Advantage's) request to purchase it or get the specs on it was denied. Thus far, no other CAT software can use the direct USB connection.

You might post your question in the Eclipse forum.

Hope that helps ... and good luck!

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."


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