It's sad to see NCRA lose thousands of dollars that could lower NCRA dues

NCRA presently loses $400,000 per year due to bad advertising policies.

The NCRA cumulative loss due to bad advertising policies is in the millions of dollars because NCRA's standards are so low and because the board and staff keep making up stories.

Nonsense stories of the board and staff are used to stop improvements to the JCR Court Reporter Listings.

Some of those stories are as follows:

1. Loss of dozens and dozens of advertisers was not caused by advertiser dissatisfaction with Seniority Listing of ads.

2. Magazine ads will eventually disappear and will be replaced by ads on the internet.

3. Ad prices couldn't be raised in 16 years or else advertisers would be lost.

The list of made up stories goes on and on.

Regarding the board’s claim that magazine ads will be replaced by internet ads, there has not be an iota of proof of this proposition put forth by the board of directors.

Actually on-line versions of magazines contain all the same ads that were and are in paper magazines.

It is a shame to see NCRA lose thousands and thousands of dollars based on erroneous theories put forth by the NCRA board of directors.

NCRA members deserve excellent leadership from the board and not the board making up false stories to obstruct and sabatoge efforts to have a thriving highly profitable magazine Court Reporter Listing ad section.

Bill Parsons

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I tried to advertise in the JCR last year and NCRA gave me such the run-around that I finally gave up. I was very frustrated. I found them very difficult to deal with.
Gee, Kelli, isn't it amazing that a different networking site has a full-page ad in the brand-new JCR. I wonder why that is? It isn't hard to figure that one out.



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