Okay, I've really been happy with my little $150 Martel mic for years.  But I don't think they are making them as good as they used to.  My current mic I've had less than a year and it quit working.  So I guess I'm done with Martel mics.  Anyone had experience with that Depo Book mic?

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I don't know about those mics but another source for microphones is:


I've purchased mics from them and have been satisfied

also keep in mind, if you're buying a microphone to be plugged into your writer, it cannot be (as far as I know) a USB mic.

No, this one is plugged into my laptop.  I have a sound prof. USB mic.  It's okay, but I thought the Martel was better.  If the new DepoBook mic is just a replacement for the LabTec mic, I still think the Martel mic was better than the LabTec.

As I said over on Depoman, I just sent one in to be fixed for free because it's under the year warranty.   I have about six "dead solider" Martel mics from over the years.  They seem to only last a few years, so every couple of years I buy a new one.   I did buy a Sound Professional mic for my writer and it works pretty good, but that's a backup recording.   

I like the Martel because it picks up clearly down the table.   Too bad they aren't that reliable.

I am no longer happy with my Martel mic.  I still use it for backup, but now I record my dep on the digital, then open ExpressScribe (it's free).  It is as clear as a bell, even better.  Something to think about.  Since I've been using ExpressScribe, I am very, very happy... and didn't have to spend any $$ on a new mic.  Something to think about.  If you need help, give me a call at 919-408-6920.  If you have a little help, it just makes the process done in about five minutes :-)

What is this "digital" ExpressScribe?

I spent $350.00 on a Sound Professionals microphone and had terrible audio.  I sent it back within the month that is requird to get your money back.  They kept the microphone and my $350.  I'll never buy a microphone from them again.

Janet turned me on to the SoundTech CM-1000USB microphone and it is amazing.  I've been very happy with it.  I also bought a second one just in case something happens to the other one. I want to be prepared.  Janet posted here on this site somewhere where you can get this microphone from.  It costs around $75.00 and it is way better than Martel or SP.

Thanks for the info.  I need a new mic too.    I bought an inexpensive Gigaware mic from Anita Paul Johnston at a seminar that has worked well for years, but it's getting old and the chord is very twisted. Would love to have a wireless one I could put at the end of a long table too if anyone has a recommendation.



I Googled that mic and it doesn't like like it goes into a USB port.  Is this is?


Yes, it does go into a USB port, hence the name CM-1000USB.  The "USB" part of the name means it goes into a "USB" port.  You Googled CM-1000 that does not have the "USB" ending in the name, which is not what I posted above.  You need to get the one with the USB ending on the name.

You picked the wrong one.  Here is the one you want:  http://www.amazon.com/CM-1000USB-Conference-Meeting-Microphone-Omni...

I'd say the CM-1000USB is a little bigger than if you make a fist with your hand only flat.  It's not in the way at all.  No one has ever said a word about it.


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