I am looking for an experienced scopist who is on Total Eclipse. I went on scopists.com and e-mailed 20 scopists. I only received three replies. Two scopists could not take much work since they are already busy. The third scopist I did send work to, but I don't think it will be a good fit for me. The other 17 scopists did not reply at all. So, I am trying this route to see if by chance I can find a scopist and build a good working relationship.
I have been a reporter for about 30 years. I do mostly medium and heavy work, lots of employment, business, med mal, arbs, trials, scientific, doctors. I really do need a very experienced scopist for the type and quantity of work I do. I can easily get 600 to 1,000 pages a week.
Please message me through this board if you think we will be a good fit. Thank you in advance. Anne