I need to convert some sound files from CDA format to WAV format. I usually do this easily with NCH Switch Plus software, but for some reason when I add the file to be converted and click on converted it turns to a red X instead of a green checkmark. Anybody out there have a clue?

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Wow, that just happened to me a few days ago with another file on Swith Sound File Converter from NCH. I got the red X too. However, then a co-worker, who has the same EXACT software, converted my file to MP3 with no problem.

Try changing the Encoder Options to MP3, instead of WAV.

I have had clients provide me the CDA format many times, and they don't realize they are encrypting it like that. I wish I could explain to them what they can do to change, but I am technologically handicapped.

One suggestion, only if you have the time and if the file is not that long, would be to just re-record. I use Total Recorder to do this. There is a way to re-record with one of the NCH suite of software packages too. I can't remember the name of that NCH software. I think it is something like "RecordPad," but I am not sure.

Before I start my day today, I am going to read the HELP on Switch Sound File Converter software. If it happened to you and me both, maybe there is a mechanism to fix it. I don't understand how my co-worker did it just fine with NCH Switch Plus File Converter software and I could not, the same exact audio file.
Okay. I did some research, as I need to come up with a solution to this dilemma as well, and I have time this morning to work on it. Usually, when I get a problem like this, I need it fixed right away and don't have time to read about a quick fix.

Reezaa costs about 20 bucks. It will convert the CDA format to WAV. Here is the link: REEZAA-dot-com

Here is a FREE software program, one I have not used, but I read that it does convert CDA to other formats: CDex FREE SOFTWARE

Jennie: Thanks for helping. I tried to change the end code, didn't work. I downloaded Total Recorder, but it appears you have to be able to able the sound file and play it to rerecord it. I'll try to Reezaa and CDexFree software.
I dont think my site supports CDA (in fact I never heard of it)
But try Youconvertit.com, you never know.

Wow, I love that site. Thanks, Monti. I am saving that little baby in my FAVORITES!
Here's an update. Getting weird. I tried EVERYTHING that everyone suggested. I tried CDex, I tried MP3 converter, Total Rerecorder, all with no luck. Now here's the weird part. I drove to the office and got the original CDs. I played them on the computer at the office and I can hear them just fine. Okay. Good deal, right? Well, I get them home and put those same CDs on my computer and nothing. In fact, if I click on the properties for that file on the CD it says there is zero there. What the hey? This is getting really old.
Cynthia, I have also had trouble with those stupid CDA-formatted files in the past.

If I try to send them to another, they only receive 44 bytes. In other words, you cannot e-mail and send via FTP a CDA file.

There must be a software out there that you can use to CONVERT the CDA file to WAV.

Read this link: Total Audio Converter
Oh, one more thing. You may know this, but I will just mention it, just in case.

You must CONVERT the file that is actually on the CD. You cannot copy the CDA file on the CD, paste it onto your desktop, and then convert it.

This same thing happened to me recently. It is so frustrating.
Well, I discovered your last tip by mistake. As you know, I drove to the office to get the actual CDs and I just ran the converstion software (Switch) and it WORKED! Now, I should be able to send that converted file to the reporter! OMIGOSH!!! I have spent at least four hours on this. The only saving grace is that the client is well worth it.
I love a happy ending! :)
I also didn't realize the limitations of the file size to 44 bytes, but I did notice that the downloaded files all have 44 bytes. Wow!
This thread has actually been helpful to me. In researching your problem, I learned a great deal about encrypted files. A .CDA-formatted audio file is a strange bird.

The 44-byte size is confusing, but here is an EXCELLENT explanation about .CDA files: "How to Work With Audio CD .CDA Files"

The actual audio file is hidden (encrypted) on the CD, which is why we can only play it and not copy it, UNLESS we have the right software tools in our arsenal to do so.


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