Does anyone know what a reporter got per page 30 years ago, then 20 years ago, then 10 years ago?  A client is challenging a MICRA award and is in need of any info you may have.  thanks!


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I have been reporting since 1997 and have been making the same amount per page.  Actually, I even make less now per page because of the area I live in.

I know when I moved to the Bay Area 12 years ago, I'm making the same amount that I was then.  The only reason why I'm making more money is because I'm pumping out more pages, not for any other reason.  Pretty sad.

What I love about working for the agencies from Washington D.C. and New York and PA is they pay for Roughs and realtime separately, which makes a huge difference in what you make.  I took myself off calendar tomorrow from my California firm to work with a New York firm because I know I'll make a lot more money.  That's all we can depend on at this point is the roughs and realtime to make a difference.  Everything else seems to stay the same.

I started reporting in 1976, was working in Miami at the time.  Then moved to Colorado in 1978.  The rates were a bit higher in Miami in 1978 than in Denver.  Now I would say for the Orig & 1 rates are about 80 cents a page more now from 1978 if I am remembering right.  But most of page rate increases came in the way of 10 cents a page increases.  I think there were more increases in the 1980s than in the 1990s and maybe one or two bumps in rates since 2000.


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