I am new to this site, and I am only a court reporting student working on qualifying in my school.  But I am wondering about some "revealing information" that is shared on this forum.  I see reporters referring to deponents as "blubbering bozos" or some type of desciptive terminology similar to this, and I see reporters revealing a lot of annoyances with the attorneys they work with.  If you are using your real names, is this information able to be viewed by anyone who might be perusing the internet?  Namely, the aforementioned attorneys?  I think many of us think the Internet is a "safe" way of speaking our minds, when in reality many professionals -- teachers, doctors, etc -- are getting themselves in hot water when they reveal too many thoughts.  I just thought I might sound a little warning to some who might feel free to vent online. 

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I'm also seeing attorneys presenting printouts from Facebook in court to help their cases a lot more these days.  And if their page is private, it's not very difficult for them to get a court order compelling Facebook to give the attorney access.  I don't post ANYTHING online unless it's positive.


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