Does it drive you completely bonkers when the witness spells something out and they've spelled it wrong? It drives me crazy.

I'm working on a videotaped doctor depo and he spelled Sudeck's atrophy, p-s-e-u-d-e-c-k, apostrophe s.

Maybe I'm wrong. Does anyone know if there's an alternate spelling of Sudeck's atrophy spelled pseudeck?

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My Stedman's ortho word book doesn't list an alternate, and a quick Google didn't even suggest anything but Sudeck's -- and I typed it in as pseudeck.
Kyung, I put in the wrong spelling with [sic], but put the correctly spelled word everywhere else. Point's made. Not my problem. Only time it drives me crazy is when I'm relying on the spelling. To have it spelled that way in the transcript? Not a reflection on me anymore than misused grammar is. So, no, doesn't drive me bonkers other than for research.


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