Has anyone used summation to output realtime to the attorneys?  Any tips or tricks in getting a connection going?


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I used to connect to Summation a lot about 5 years ago.  The atty had it on his computer and I would just give him the cable or wireless or whatever and he took care of it on his end.   Now, though, I bring two to three laptops myself and really try to talk attys into using my laptops because I know they work and it's quick.  Otherwise, you have to mess with figuring out why their laptop won't work or having to load software onto their computer to make it work and their IT dept. locks their computers so they can't load any software onto it, just makes for a headache.  This way it's set up and ready to go automatically.

I suggest you bring laptops if for no other reason a backup in case it doesn't work.  Here in the Bay Area, everyone brings their own their own net books. 



Here's a setup guide for Summation. 


@Kelli - I do and did bring an extra laptop.  This attorney wanted to use Summation on his laptop.

@Janet - Thanks.  Exactly what I was looking for.  But it seems limited on what usb-to-serial connectors you have to use.  And you have to know which version of Summation they have.  Seems tricky.

But I really appreciate it.   I could not find a help number or tech support number for them either.  This was very helpful.


You're welcome.   I had a hard time finding that information too.


The name of the company is Access Data.  I don't remember that at all.  I don't know if they sold the company.  Here is their website link:



Awesome.  I'll have to go home and check all my usb-to-serial connectors.  They list only five or six types of usb-to-serial connectors.  And then certain ones only with IBlaze and others only work with some other version of the software.  It seems finicky.


I'm not sure I believe that, Kyung, about the adapters.  My guess is there's operator error, and it ends up being blamed on adapters.  All I can tell you is that I never had an issue hooking up to Summation.   It's not used very often anymore, from what I see.   Maybe because people can't find the damned website!   :)

Yeah, it's been a super long time since anyone has used Summation on one of my jobs.  What a pain that must have been for you.  Whenever I have hooked up to it, the attorney did it and I didn't have to do anything.  I know Livenote/Bridge like the back of my hand.  Summation, not so much.  Glad not too many people use it.


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